
Mid-term Review

Question: Itard
Answer: Who was the first person who tried to educate a young child found in the woods?

Question: 2.3%
Answer: What is the approximate population that could be considered intellectually disabled if IQ were the only criterion considered?

Question: Bijou
Answer: Who took the position that intellectual disabilities should be dealt with from a behavioral perspective?

Question: P.L. 94-142
Answer: What public law formally addressed the issue of educating all students with intellectual disabilities?

Question: During this time period, citizens were afraid that people with intellectual disabilities were dangerous
Answer: What is the Facilities-Based Orientation Era?

Question: This person defined intelligence as the "aggregate or global capacity of the individual to act purposefully, to think rationally, and to deal effectively with this environment."
Answer: Who is Weschler?

Question: This case brought to light the need for extended school year for students with intellectual disabilities. 
Answer: What is Armstrong v. Kline

Question: This law was enacted to ensure that all students are able to meet high standards in education. 
Answer: What is the No Child Left Behind Act

Question: This process has historically been considered a biological process
Answer: What is adaption?

Question: In the Larry P. v. Riles case, the courts ruled that these instruments could not be used to determine the placement of African-American students in classes for the educable intellectually disabled. 
Answer: What are IQ tests?

Question: If speech is not developed by _____ age, the full ability of speech will not develop. 
Answer: What is 3 years old. 

Question: __________ is the age in which the most effective compensatory intervention programs begin. 
Answer: What is infancy

Question: This chromosomal abnormality has been associated with mild to moderate intellectual disability, learning disabilities, and insatiable appetite. 
Answer: What is Prader-Willi syndrome. 

Question: J. Langon Down ascribed this term to the condition now known as Down syndrome. 
Answer: What is mongolism.

Question: An aspect of this project is to research gene mapping and DNA sequencing to address intellectual disabilities. 
Answer: What is the Human Genome Project

Question: _______ is the most debilitating orientation for a child.
Answer: What is external locus of control. 

Question: IEP goals for students with mild intellectual disabilities should emphasize ________. 
Answer: What are academic goals. 

Question: Difficult behaviors, such as aggression and self-injury are sometimes developed in ________. 
Answer: Who are students with severe intellectual disabilities. 

Question: ________ approaches enhance the rate at which communication skills are learned and retained. 
Answer: What are naturalistic approaches

Question: About _______% of people with intellectual disabilities need extensive supports. 
Answer: What is 15%

Question: This theory explains how characteristics and interactions of families over time influence members experiences in special education and the larger community. 
Answer: What is the family systems theory. 

Question: ______ refer to additional services needed to ensure that a student's program meets all of the student's educational needs. 
Answer: What are related services. 

Question: This act provides financial assistance to states that maintain and strengthen a statewide program of technology-related assistance. 
Answer: What is the Technology Related Assistance for Individuals with Disabilities Act. 

Question: Technology should be viewed as a 
Answer: What is a tool. 

Question: _________ stated that occupational preparation would have a place in educational programs?
Answer: Who is Seguin