
Create a Quiz Show


How to Study with eQuizShow

  1. Enter a title and password above
  2. Enter categories, questions, and answers
  3. Click "Submit & Save"
  4. Save your URL (ex. equizshow.com/complete/1234)
  5. Visit that URL to play or edit your quiz show

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eQuizShow is a free tool for educators

Create free quiz shows that engage students for test review.
Since all of your quiz shows live in the cloud, you never need to use PowerPoint!

Have any suggestions or feedback? Leave feedback

Facebook/Twitter: f/ equizshow @equizshow

Frequently Asked Questions

I can't enter responses to my Quiz Show

You're not supposed to be able to!
Click on a point value to view the question.
Before clicking "Show Answer," say out loud what you think the answer is.
With teams, it helps to have a moderator (usually, the teacher).

I can't change the title of my Quiz Show

Please send the ID # of your quiz show
(you can find this by looking at the URL:
http://equizshow.com/play/123 where 123 is the ID #)
and the new title that you want to
support@equizshow.com. Also, tell me roughly
when you created the quiz show so I know it's really yours.

Have a question that wasn't answered here? Contact us.


"Unlike similar tools you do not have to download or upload any PowerPoint files to use eQuizShow.
On eQuizShow you can build and display your quiz completely online."
- Richard Byrne, freetech4teachers.com

"eQuizShow is a great app for teachers who want a quick and easy way to engage students
and have them ready for exams or assessments tests."
- Israel Nicolas, makeuseof.com

"Teachers and students can create educational quiz show templates like the TV game show Jeopardy"
- Danny Nicholson, whiteboardblog.co.uk


Thanks to Toptal Designers for the background tile (https://www.toptal.com/designers/subtlepatterns/)

Thanks to VisualPharm for certain icons (http://www.visualpharm.com/)