
Brianna's Quiz

Conjugating Future Tense

Question: Write the verb in the future tense.

Pablo come pizza.
Answer: comerá

Question: Translate into Spanish.

Bobby will play basketball.
Answer: Bobby jugará al basquetbol.

Question: Translate this sentence in the future tense.

They will use binoculars to observe nature.
Answer: Usarán binóculos para observar natura.

Question: Write the sentence in the future tense.

Mercedes va al centro comercial.
Answer: Mercedes irá al centro comercial.

Question: Which of the following is correct?

A. Alejandro y Manuel buscarén caracoles.
B. Le gente comerán pizza.
C. María buceará.
Answer: C.

Irregular Future Tense

Question: Which verb is irregular in the future tense, and what is it in the nosotros form?

A. Ponder
B. Ir
C. Haber
Answer: C. Habremos

Question: Conjugate this verb in the he/she future tense form.

Answer: Hará

Question: Which is correct?

A. Yo haceré la tarea.
B. Yo diré nada.
C. Yo poneré la mesa.
Answer: B.

Question: Translate into Spanish.

I will want pizza.
Answer: Yo querré pizza.

Question: Write this sentence in future tense.

Salgo a bailar cada noche.
Answer: Saldré a bailar cada noche.

Vacation Vocab

Question: Translate into Spanish


Answer: El caracol

Question: Unscramble the following:

Loarv ocn all aeldt
Answer: Volar con ala delta

Question: Which of the following doesn't belong?

A. Bucear
B. Hacer windsurf
C. Remar
D. Volar con ala delta
Answer: D.

Question: Which of these things wouldn't you take camping?

A. La linterna
B. Los binóculos
C. La crema protectora
D. La caña de pescar
Answer: C.

Question: Match up the following:

La ballena
Las gafas de sol
Hacer ecoturismo
La tiburón
La crema protectora
Observar naturaleza

Answer: La ballena:: la tiburón
Las gafas de sol:: la crema protectora
Hacer ecoturismo: observar naturaleza

Future Vocab

Question: Unascramble the following word phrase.

Al oótinianncacm lde aeir
Answer: La contaminación de aire

Question: Translate into Spanish.

Answer: El Cohete

Question: Which verb isn't a future vocab verb?

A. construir
B. suprimir
C. desarrollar
D. mandar
Answer: D.

Question: What is The plural of paz?
Answer: Paces

Question: Which word doesn't belong?

A. El mundo
B. La tierra
C. La población
De. Un planeta
Answer: C.


Question: How many "El Relicario" stories have we been through?
Answer: 7

Question: How do you say a youth hostil in spanish?

Answer: Un albergue juvenil

Question: True or False.

Limpiar means to wash.

Answer: False

Question: List three expressions of doubt in Spanish.

EX: dudo que
Answer: Es imposible que
Es posible que
Es probable que
No creo que
No es verdad que

Question: Name three ways to pay while traveling.
Answer: Pagar en efectivo
Pagar con cheques de viajero
Pagar con tarjeta de crédito