

Futuro vocabulary

Question: Translate from English to Spanish: Air Pollution
Answer: contaminación del aire.

Question: What do you need to visit the moon un cohete or el caracol
Answer: Un cohete

Question: Possible or impossible: La gente pasará sus vacaciones en otro el mundo.

Question: True or false: You need un cohete to get to the moon.
Answer: True

Question: Translate population into Spanish.
Answer: La populación

Vacation vocabulary

Question: True or False: El pez lives in la tienda de campaña.
Answer: False

Question: Possible or impossible: Puede remar un bota.
Answer: Impossible

Question: Translate into spanish: scuba dive
Answer: To scuba dive

Question: Which one means shark: el tiburón or tímibo
Answer: Tíburon

Question: What is the Spanish word for waves?
Answer: Olas

Irregular verbs

Question: Is this sentence grammatically correct;

Question: What is the future tense of the word querer in Spanish?
Answer: Querr-

Question: Which is the correct way to congregate the Spanish word valer into the Nosotros future tense? A. Teneramos B. Teneremos C. Tendramos D. Tendremos
Answer: D. Tendremos

Question: Do you conjugate the yo form of decir in the future tense as dirè or decirè?
Answer: Dirè

Question: Which way is correct in the Spanish future tense: A. Valdràs B. Valeràs
Answer: A. Valdràs

Regular verbs

Question: Is this sentence grammatically correct: Yo irè a Holiday World.
Answer: Yes

Question: Is this sentence correct: Nosotros les estarémos mostrando los cuadros.
Answer: no

Question: What is the el ella Usted verb ending in the future tense?

Question: Which is the correct conjugation of the word ver in the future tense: A. verán B. veramán
Answer: A. Verán

Question: Put levantar into the tú form of the future tense in Spanish.
Answer: levantarás

Question: What is the Spanish word for traveler's checks?
Answer: cheques de viajero

Question: What is the past participle form of morir?
Answer: Muerto

Question: Translate the word court to Spanish.
Answer: cancha

Question: What is the Spanish word for shacks? A. chozas B. Shaques
Answer: A. Chozas

Question: What does the Spanish word partida mean in English?
Answer: departure