
US History Ch 13


Question: New Deal program created to build and improve highways
Answer: Works Progress Administration

Question: New Deal program that funded large murals
Answer: Federal Art Project

Question: putting money into consumers' hands to stimulate the economy
Answer: pump priming

Question: name for FDR's attempt to change the Supreme Court
Answer: court packing

Question: formed when the government assumes responsibility for providing for citizens' needs
Answer: welfare state

Unit 1

Question: What did FDR and Congress pass the day after FDR's inauguration?
Answer: Emergency Banking Bill

Question: What were the goals of the New Deal?
Answer: provide relief, recovery, and reform

Question: Who was the first female cabinet member?
Answer: Frances Perkins

Question: Which of the following extended job opportunities to Mexican Americans and other minority youth?
a. Civilian Conservation Corps
b. Federal Emergency Relief Act
c. Tennessee Valley Authority
d. Federal Writers’ Project
Answer: a. Civilian Conservation Corps

Question: Which opponent of the New Deal believed that the program did not do enough to help poor Americans and what program did he propose?
a. Herbert Hoover suggested Roosevelt promote a spirit of liberty to help poor Americans.
b. Father Charles Coughlin believed Roosevelt should do more to increase the economy and fight the depression.
c. Francis Townsend suggested offering aid to older Americans devastated by the depression.
d. Senator Huey Long proposed a high tax program on the wealthy and large corporations and the redistribution of their income to give to poor Americans.
Answer: d. Senator Huey Long proposed a high tax program on the wealthy and large corporations and the redistribution of their income to give to poor Americans.

Unit 2

Question: What did FDR introduce to help retirees?
Answer: Social Security Act

Question: The Rural Electrification Administration provided electricity to __________________.
Answer: farmers

Question: Members of the ___________ participated in a sit down strike until General Motors agreed
Answer: UAW

Question: What caused Republicans to gain power in Congress in 1938?
a. The Supreme Court started approving New Deal programs.
b. The economy took a downturn and wiped out much of FDR’s progress.
c. Unemployment went down from 14 percent to 10 percent.
d. Southern Democrats became supporters of the New Deal.
Answer: b. The economy took a downturn and wiped out much of FDR’s progress.

Question: The right to collective bargaining was part of the
a. Wagner Act.
b. Works Progress Administration.
c. Social Security Act.
d. Agricultural Adjustment Act.
Answer: a. Wagner Act.

Unit 3

Question: Eleanor Roosevelt showed her support of minorities when she
a. appointed herself as Secretary of Labor.
b. sat with black delegates at a conference.
c. wrote a weekly newspaper column.
d. established a minimum wage.
Answer: b. sat with black delegates at a conference.

Question: How many terms did Roosevelt serve as President?
Answer: 4

Question: Which piece of New Deal legislation negatively affected Native Americans?
Answer: the Navajo Livestock Reduction program

Question: How did the Indian New Deal reverse the conditions that resulted from the Dawes Act?
a. It gave Native Americans more plots of tribal land that was arid and easy to farm.
b. John Collier the Commissioner of Indian Affairs was appointed, but he did little to help the Native Americans.
c. It discouraged the practice of Indian religions and traditional customs and encouraged Native Americans to participate in mainstream society.
d. John Collier helped get laws passed that restored tribal control over American Indian land.
Answer: d. John Collier helped get laws passed that restored tribal control over American Indian land.

Question: The Indian Reorganization Act of 1934 prohibited
a. Native Americans from receiving Social Security.
b. government from further dividing Native American land.
c. tribes from governing their lands.
d. people from grazing their sheep.
Answer: b. government from further dividing Native American land

Unit 4

Question: Who was a top swing musician?
Answer: Glenn Miller

Question: What radio drama was so realistic that some people thought aliens were invading Earth?
Answer: "War of the Worlds"

Question: The Lone Ranger and The Shadow are examples of
a. big bands.
b. Depression-era novels.
c. Broadway musicals.
d. radio series.
Answer: d. radio series.

Question: One way that Americans escaped their concerns during the 1930s was to
a. live in the country.
b. follow the stock market.
c. go to movie theaters.
d. avoid watching news on television.
Answer: c. go to movie theaters.

Question: The Federal Art Project set a precedent for
a. increased government support of radicals.
b. federal funding of the arts and artists.
c. free theater performances for the public.
d. realistically showing living conditions on farms.
Answer: b. federal funding of the arts and artists.