
Drug Jeopardy 2

Bath Salts

Question: True or False. Bath salts are legal in the United States
Answer: False. Thirty-four states have a legislative ban on bath salts. The remaining 16 are part of an emergency federal ban.

Question: After sedation has worn off, patients can revert back to uncontrollable psychosis, and in some case, ____________.
Answer: Permanent brain damage

Question: From 2010 to 2011, the use of bath salts multiplied by _________%
Answer: 2000%. There were 6, 138 calls to poison control linked to bath salts in the United States in 2011 as compared to 304 calls in 2010.

Question: Short term side effects of Bath Salts are similar to _____ or __________ with hallucinations as an added effect.
Answer: Meth or cocaine

Question: Name some symptoms of bath salts use. (name 4)
Answer: Hallucinations, paranoia, delusions of super-human strength or invincibility, aggression or violent behavior, unpredictable thought, agitation, chest pain, high blood pressure and pulse

Drug Potpourri

Question: Another name for Spice is ____
Answer: K2

Question: Alcohol is classified as this type of drug.
Answer: Depressant

Question: Coming down off a stimulant is referred to as this.
Answer: Crash or crashing

Question: Spice, in its purest form can be ___ to ___ times more potent than THC
Answer: Four to one hundred times

Question: Tolerance is defined as ___________.
Answer: The need for more of a drug to gain the same effect.


Question: Oxycontin is prescribed for this
Answer: Severe chronic pain

Question: Addicts of this drug use oxycontin to avoid withdrawal symptoms
Answer: Heroin.

Question: Name a street name of oxycontin (name two)
Answer: Oxy, OC’s, ox, killers, oxycotton, hillbilly heroin, and poor man’s heroin

Question: Common side effects of oxycontin include the following (name 5)
Answer: Dry mouth, constipation, confusion, lightheadedness, sedation, slowed breathing, nausea and vomiting, headache, sweating, euphoria, and mental clouding.

Question: List four withdrawal symptoms from oxycontin
Answer: Restlessness, sleeplessness, muscle and bone pain, cold flashes with goose bumps, diarrhea, vomiting, and involuntary leg movements


Question: True or False. Steroids are sometimes called gym candy.
Answer: True. They are also called roids, hype, juice, gear, weight trainers, pumpers, Arnolds, and stackers.

Question: Steroids are taken to do this
Answer: Build muscle, enhance performance, and improve appearance

Question: Female specific side effects include ________. (name 2)
Answer: Shrinking of the breasts, menstrual irregularities, baldness, deepening of the voice, and hair growth on other parts of the body (especially the face)

Question: Side effects of steroids include __________. (name 3)
Answer: Kidney disease, jaundice, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, stunted growth, and heart damage

Question: Male specific side effects include ____________ (name 3).
Answer: Shrinking of the testicles, reduced sperm count, infertility, baldness, development of breasts, and increased risk of prostate cancer.

Drug Statistics

Question: True or False Forty percent of those that starting drinking at age 13 or younger developed alcohol dependence later in life.
Answer: True. Only 10 percent of those who began drinking after age 17 developed dependence.

Question: This was the most commonly used drug among youth ages 14-17
Answer: Marijuana. Prescription drugs were second.

Question: This illicit drug has showed a decrease in teen use from 2011 to 2012.
Answer: Ecstacy. It has dropped from 5.3% in 2011 to 3.8 in 2012.

Question: Spokane had this number of opiate and heroin related deaths from 2008-2010
Answer: 142

Question: In 2009, this number of Americans age 12 and over said they drove a car after drinking alcohol at least one time.
Answer: 30 million