
Chapter 3 Review


Question: What are the like terms.

Answer: Like: 3x & -2x

Unlike: 4

Question: 16-2c+4
Answer: 20-2c

Question: 9x-2-x+7
Answer: 8x+5

Question: 6(7b-3)+2a+4
Answer: 42b+2a-14

Question: -4(6x-8)+10.8
Answer: -24x+42.8

Adding and Subtracting Expressions

Question: (x-2)+(3x+8)
Answer: 4x+6

Question: (-4y+3)+(11y-5)
Answer: 7y-2

Question: (2a-5) - (3a-4)
Answer: -a-1

Question: 2(-7.5z+3)+(5z-2)
Answer: -10z+4

Question: (7y+5) - 2(-4y-3)
Answer: 15y+11

Solving Equations with Addition or Subtraction

Question: x+3=28
Answer: x=25

Question: x-5=-1
Answer: x=4

Question: y-8.7=15.9
Answer: y=24.6

Question: 9.3+g=74.6
Answer: g=65.3

Question: 14+x-20.9=15.1-7.3
Answer: x=14.7

Solving Equations with Multiplication and Divisio

Question: 3x=57
Answer: x=19

Question: x/3= -6
Answer: x=-18

Question: 18= -4y
Answer: y= -4.5

Question: 2x/3=18
Answer: x=27

Question: -4x/5=-8
Answer: x=10

Two-Step Equations

Question: -3x+5=2
Answer: x=1

Question: 4t-7= -15
Answer: t= -2

Question: 3y-8y=25
Answer: y= -5

Question: 4-2y+3= -9
Answer: y=8

Question: 7x-5-10x=10
Answer: x= -5