


Question: 1. According to the treaty that ended the Spanish-American War, the U.S. would

Answer: free Cuba, and annex Guam and Puerto Rico.

Question: The Philippines are now

Answer: -an independent country.

Question: Theodore Roosevelt was chosen as McKinley’s running mate in the 1900 election because

Answer: -of war fame.

Question: The Hawaiian monarchy was overthrown by

Answer: -a group of planters.

Question: The purpose of the Open Door policy in China was to

Answer: -ensure trading rights for all nations.


Question: In the 1880s, American opinion began to shift and more people wanted to make the United States

Answer: -a world power.

Question: When Americans began looking overseas for new markets in the 1800s, they naturally tended to look

Answer: -westward.

Question: When the explosion of the U.S.S. Maine happened, many Americans blamed it on

Answer: -Spain.

Question: Under the Treaty of Paris, Cuba became an independent country, the United States agreed to pay Spain $20 million for the Philippines, and the United States acquired Puerto Rico and

Answer: -Guam.

Question: A group in China besieged foreign embassies in Beijing and killed more than 200 foreigners in what came to be known as the

Answer: -Boxer Rebellion.


Question: How was Hawaii acquired?

Answer: -annexation

Question: Which of the following groups encouraged the annexation of the Hawaiian Islands?

Answer: -American sugar plantation owners in Hawaii

Question: What leader tried to preserve the independence of Hawaii in 1893?

Answer: -Queen Liliuokalani

Question: What was the nickname of President William Howard Taft’s plan for expanding economic ties between the United States and Latin America?

Answer: -dollar diplomacy

Question: What Mexican rebel leader raided New Mexico in 1916?

Answer: -Pancho Villa


Question: Many people agreed with political humorist Mark Twain who commented, “I am opposed to having the eagle put its talons on any other land.” Mark Twain could be described as

Answer: - a(n) anti-imperialist.

Question: This is the practice of extending a nation’s power by gaining territories for a colonial empire.

Answer: -imperialism

Question: The Boxer Rebellion of 1900 was an attempt to remove

Answer: -the Europeans from China.

Question: The U.S. wanted to take over this territory because it was the perfect stopping point on the way to Asia.

Answer: -Hawaii

Question: This was the main reason why Americans wanted the Panama Canal built.

Answer: -to cut travel time from the Atlantic to the Pacific Oceans


Question: Yellow journalists created support for the Spanish-American War by writing articles about the

Answer: -sinking of the USS battleship Maine in Havana Harbor.

Question: In 1823, the Monroe Doctrine was established mainly because the United States wanted

Answer: -to warn Europe against any further colonization in Latin America.

Question: From 1900 to 1915, a basic aim of United States foreign policy was to

Answer: -promote United States influence in Latin America.

Question: What term best defines the act of assembling the armed forces in preparation for war?

Answer: -militarism

Question: What did the United States fear during the Age of Imperialism?

Answer: -increased power and trade by European countries in the Western Hemisphere