
Work Geography CH 16

Vocabulary 1

Question: Land reclaimed from the sea
Answer: polder

Question: loose organization of independent states
Answer: Confederation

Question: Extended decline in general business activity
Answer: recession

Question: money for war damages
Answer: reparations

Question: to bring industries under state control
Answer: nationalize

Vocabulary 2

Question: Swiss state
Answer: canton

Question: soft brown coal
Answer: lignite

Question: To transfer power to smaller regions
Answer: decentralize

Question: variations of a language that are unique to a region or community
Answer: dialect

Question: general increase in prices
Answer: inflation

Questions 1

Question: Which of the following is an accurate statement about the history of France?
a. Charlemagne was the Roman emperor who conquered France and went on to establish France as the center of a huge empire.
b. France got its name from its native people, the Franks, who adopted the Romans’ Latin language and Christian religion.
c. The heirs of Hugh Capet expanded the kingdom’s boundaries to about those of modern France.
d. When the monarchy ended in 1789, it was replaced by a democratic form of government that remains in place to this day.
Answer: c. The heirs of Hugh Capet expanded the kingdom’s boundaries to about those of modern France.

Question: Where are Germany's most important industrial centers located?
Answer: In the central part of the country

Question: Which of the following statements is not true?
a. Paris is a major manufacturing center.
b. Farming is the major activity in the Alps.
c. World-famous wines are produced in the Bordeaux region.
d. Marseille is a busy seaport on the Mediterranean coast.
Answer: b. Farming is the major activity in the Alps.

Question: Which two regions lie in south central and southeastern France?
Answer: the Massif Central and the Alps

Question: In contrast to the way Germany was unified in the 1800s, the unification of Germany in the 1900s was the result of
a. civil war.
b. a peace treaty imposed on the country.
c. the activism of the state of Prussia.
d. pressure from the citizens.
Answer: d. pressure from the citizens.

Questions 2

Question: The quote “God made the world, but the Dutch made [the Netherlands]” refers to
a. reclaiming land from the sea, lakes, and swamps.
b. irrigation of dry, arid regions to make them habitable.
c. transforming rocky terrain into farmland.
d. preserving farmland from the encroachment of urbanization.
Answer: a. reclaiming land from the sea, lakes, and swamps.

Question: Switzerland’s cantons differ in all of the following ways except
a. language.
b. religion.
c. form of government.
d. economic activities.
Answer: c. form of government

Question: Which resource-rich regions along the Rhine River lie in eastern France?
Answer: Alsace and Lorraine

Question: Which statement about Austria and Switzerland is not true?
a. The Alps tower above both countries.
b. Unlike Switzerland, Austria has mineral resources such as iron ore.
c. Switzerland has used Austria as a model for economic renewal.
d. Dairy farming and specialized industries are important in both countries.
Answer: c. Switzerland has used Austria as a model for economic renewal.

Question: Luxembourg has maintained a high standard of living by
a. establishing close economic ties with China and Russia.
b. changing from an economy once dominated by steel manufacturing to a service industries and high-tech firms based economy.
c. modernizing and maintaining its manufacturing base.
d. maintaining its political and economic independence despite its small size.
Answer: b. changing from an economy once dominated by steel manufacturing to a service industries and high-tech firms based economy.

Questions 3

Question: Why is the Ruhr Valley important to Germany’s economy?
a. It produces most of Germany’s iron and steel.
b. It is the cultural center of Germany.
c. It is popular with tourists.
d. It is a leading center of trade and finance.
Answer: a. It produces most of Germany’s iron and steel.

Question: In order to stimulate economic growth in recent years, the government of France
a. nationalized most private businesses.
b. privatized some government-owned businesses.
c. severely restricted trade with other European countries.
d. put price and hiring freezes into effect until unemployment rates declined.
Answer: b. privatized some government-owned businesses.

Question: Which of the following statements is not true?
a. About 30 percent of all Belgians speak French, while about 55 percent speak Flemish.
b. The Belgian government has passed laws to decentralize its government.
c. Relations between Belgium’s two ethnic groups improved after the country gained its independence from the Netherlands in 1830.
d. Both French and Flemish are official languages of Belgium.
Answer: c. Relations between Belgium’s two ethnic groups improved after the country gained its independence from the Netherlands in 1830.

Question: Which of the following statements is not true?
a. Switzerland has one of the highest standards of living in the world.
b. Dairy farming is the most important agricultural activity in Switzerland.
c. An abundance of mineral resources has enabled the Swiss to develop.
d. The banking and tourism industries are important to Switzerland’s economy.
Answer: c. An abundance of mineral resources has enabled the Swiss to develop.

Question: All of the following are accurate statements about the political boundaries and cultural ties of Austria except:
a. The boundaries of the modern country of Austria were established after World War I.
b. German is the language spoken by most Austrians.
c. Austria was part of Switzerland for many years.
d. For many years, Austria was politically tied to Hungary.
Answer: c. Austria was part of Switzerland for many years.