
Rohan Kendall Mily Alex


Question: What angle is Earth tilted at?
Answer: It is at a 25.5 angle

Question: How much % of Salt water is there?
Answer: 97%

Question: How long does it take for Earth to spin?
Answer: 24 hours

Question: What is the 3rd layer in earth?
Answer: the core

Question: what causes seaseons?
Answer: the tilt


Question: What is the closest planet to the sun?
Answer: Mercury

Question: What is Mercury made of?
Answer: Rock

Question: Does Mercury have a magnetic field?
Answer: Yes

Question: How many Earth days does it take for Mercury to complete one of its days?
Answer: 58 Earth days

Question: How many Earth days does it take for Mercury to complete one of its years?
Answer: 88 Earth days


Question: True or False:
Mercury is close to Venus
Answer: True

Question: Is Mercury hot?
Answer: Yes very .

Question: Is Mercury the smalest out of the eight planets?

Answer: yes

Question: dO

Question: True or False
Temperatures on Mercury get up to 1,004 degrees Celsius.
Answer: False temperatures up to 460.


Question: How many moons dose Jupitrer have?
Answer: 67 moons

Question: What is the great red spot?
Answer: a storm

Question: when was Jupiter discoverd?
Answer: 1979

Question: How much is the mass of Jupiter times the Earth?
Answer: over 300 times

Question: How long has the great red spot been raging?
Answer: hundreds of years


Question: Does Jupiter have a magnetic field?
Answer: yes

Question: True or FalseJupiters Great Red Spot extends about 7,450 miles.
Answer: True

Question: True or False Jupiter has a rocky core.
Answer: True

Question: How many Earth years = a Jupiter year?
Answer: 12 earth years

Question: What does Jupiters magnetic field trap?
Answer: electrically charged particles