
Vascular Collagen Diseases


Question: This disease means "hardening of the skin" in English
Answer: Scleroderma

Question: Is that dude wearing purple eye shadow? Or is it..?
Answer: Dermatomyositis

Question: While not as severe as Rheumatoid arthritis, this experienced by up to 90% of patients with SLE.
Answer: Lupus arthritis; joint pain.

Question: Also called a butterfly rash. Might be the origin of the name Lupus.
Answer: Malar rash.

Question: Spell SLE.
Answer: Systemic Lupus Erythematosus.


Question: Drug induced SLE might be triggered by these drugs.
Answer: Procainamide, hydralazine, isoniazid.

Question: Most collagen vascular diseases are thought to be caused by what?
Answer: Faulty genes.

Question: These might trigger symptoms of various autoimmune diseases.
Answer: UV exposure, viruses, bacteria, stress, cancer.

Question: What is the process of clearance deficiency?
Answer: Apoptotic cells develop secondary necrosis, which leads to a cascade that eventually causes autoimmune and inflammatory response.

Question: B-leukocytes specifically produce what in various autoimmune disorders?
Answer: Antinuclear antibodies.


Question: As EMS providers, what can we do for patients experiencing an autoimmune flare up?
Answer: Supportive measures; fluids, O2, pain management.

Question: What OTC therapies are commonly used to treat symptoms of autoimmune disorders?
Answer: NSAIDs, Tylenol, Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Question: What is the definitive treatment for collagen vascular diseases?
Answer: There is none.

Question: The main goal of treatment for autoimmune disorders is?
Answer: To improve quality of life.

Question: Why do chemotherapy drugs, such as methotrexate, help in cases of autoimmune disease?
Answer: They target rapidly multiplying cells(e.g. cancer OR the immune system).


Question: Say dermatomyositis three times fast. (Without stumbling over it!)

Question: Say silk three times aloud.

What do cows drink?
Answer: Water.

Question: When was rheumatoid arthritis first described?
Answer: 1800

Question: Who first described rheumatoid arthritis?
Answer: Dr. Augustin Jacob Landre-Beauvais

Question: What did you eat for breakfast?

House MD

Question: It's never...
Answer: Lupus

Question: How many seasons did it take before it FINALLY was Lupus?
Answer: Four.

Question: Dr. House (and his friend Dr. Wilson) are based on which popular literary characters?
Answer: Sherlock Holmes and John Watson.

Question: On what show did Hugh Laurie (House) appear with Rowan Atkinson (Mr. Bean).
Answer: Blackadder.

Question: House keeps his secret stash of what, in a book on what?
Answer: Vicoden; Lupus