

Team Curt

Question: What is the book called?
Answer: Chimps I love

Question: Do chimps use tools?
Answer: Yes or true

Question: How much percent of DNA do we share with chimps?
Answer: 99.4%

Question: A female chimp may raise up to 8 or 9 chimps?
Answer: True or yes

Question: How many African countries are chimps found in?
Answer: 21

Team Josh

Question: Why are chimps locked up in cages?
Answer: For lab experiments

Question: What was the name of the chimp Jane Goodall rescued
Answer: Jojo

Question: What did jojo do to Jane Goodall
Answer: Wiped her tear

Question: What was the name of the Chimp Jane Goodall taught sign language
Answer: Washoe.

Question: What are three things that humans do that you can teach chimps
Answer: Riding bicycles sewing and sign language

Team Kyle

Question: Are chimpanzees disappearing?
Answer: Yes

Question: What year did Jane Goodall go to Africa?
Answer: 1960

Question: Can chimps be taught to do human things?
Answer: Yes

Question: Can the viruses we test on chimps stay in there blood?
Answer: Yes

Question: How many words did Vickie learn to speak?
Answer: 4 after 8 years

Team Brenden

Question: How long do chimps live?

Answer: Over 50 years

Question: How much DNA percentage do chimps share with humans?

Answer: %99.4

Question: About how many chimps live in Africa?

Answer: 150,000

Question: When was the male chimp(ham)sent into space?
Answer: January 1961.

Question: What are at least 2 eastern places they have seen chimps?
Answer: Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, and Tanzania

Team Tristan

Question: True or False: Chimps costs $3000
Answer: False

Question: True or False: Chimps are endangered
Answer: True

Question: How big are the cages for the chimps
Answer: 5' by 5' by 7'

Question: How many chimps were there in Africa 100years ago?
Answer: 2 million chimps

Question: Chimps are found in _______ countries?
Answer: 21