
Mr. Daniel


Question: "Alpine" means:
a. Somebody who lives in the Alps
b. A type of candy
c. The name of a video game
d. All of the above
Answer: a. Somebody or something that comes from the Alps.

Question: Parliament means:
a. to speak in a loud voice
b. a group of people who get together to discuss
c. a group of people who makes laws, part of the government.
d. a car
Answer: c. a group of people who makes laws

Question: True or False. The Definition of cuisine is " certain cooking style or quality of cooking, or food from a certain region or country."

a. True
b. False
Answer: a. True

Question: The word "Mesa" describes a type of landform?
a. True
b. False
Answer: a. True

Question: Economy is:
a. a type of candy
b. a type of car
c. the management of financial matters for a community
d. a type of food.

Answer: c. the management of financial matters for a community

More Words

Question: What is the meaning of the word "altitude" is:
a. the effort you put in your work
b. a high location area
c. the management of money
d. a religious belief
Answer: b. a high location area.

Question: The word "climate" means "the weather of a location over time or the environment or mood".
a. True
b. False
Answer: a. true

Question: a Geographer is:

a. a new model of car
b. an specialist in dinosaurs
c. an specialist in Geography
d. all of the above
e. none of the above
Answer: c. an specialist in Geography

Question: A Geographer studies the characteristics of a place?
a. Yes
b. No
Answer: a. YES

Question: True or False. Sushi is a type of food eaten in Japan. A kimono is also a type of food.
a. True
b. False
Answer: b. False


Question: The Characteristics of a Place in Geography are Human Characteristics and Physical Characteristics?

a. Yes
b. No
Answer: a. Yes

Question: Language, Population, Religion and ___________ are human characteristics:

a. Cuisine
b. Economy
c. Customs
d. all of the above
c. None of the above
Answer: d. All of the above

Question: The amount of wildlife and vegetation in a place is an example of a:
a. Physical Characteristic of Place
b. Human Characteristic of Place
c. a type of clothing
d. a type of food.
Answer: a. Physical Characteristic

Question: Population is a human characteristic of a place. Population means:
a. the amount of wildlife that lives in a place
b. the number of clothes that a group of people has.
c. the amount of people that lives in a place
d. none of the above
Answer: c. the amount of people that live in a place.

Question: Climate means "the type of weather in a place over a period of time. What type of characteristic "climate" is:
a. Physical
b. Human
c. Altitude
d. Economy
Answer: a. Physical

Words mix

Question: True or False. The word "metamorphic" is describing certain types of rocks.
A. True
B. False

Answer: A. True

Question: What's a "slate"?
a. a type of mountain
b. a type of food
c. a type of music
d. a type of rock
Answer: d. a type of rock

Question: The music that a people play and listen to in a place is a physical characteristic of place.
A. True
B. False.
Answer: b. False. It's a Human Characteristic

Question: People from the "highlands" of Scotland live:
a. close to the sea.
b. in the woods
c. In high altitude
d. in a desert
Answer: c. In high altitude

Question: Tagalog, French and Korean are examples of:
a. religions
b. foods
c. languages
d. none of the above
e. all of the above
Answer: c. languages


Question: The Earth is divided in the Hemispheres. What of the following IS NOT and Hemisphere?
a. Northern Hemisphere
b. Western Hemisphere
c. Eastern Hemisphere
d. American Hemisphere
Answer: d. American Hemisphere. The "American Hemisphere" doesn't exist.

Question: True or False. Lines of Latitude and Longitude are marked by imaginary lines that cross the Earth.
a. True
b. False
Answer: a. True

Question: To Determine the Absolute Location of a Place you need to use a map and check the latitude and longitude.
a. True.
b. False
Answer: A. True.

Question: Budhism, Taoism, Christianism are examples of:

a. landforms
b. types of foods.
c. types of clothes
d. types of religions
Answer: d. types of religions

Question: The word "mesa" describes a landform. The word "gulf" describes a landform also. True or False.
A. True
B. False
Answer: A. True