
US History Unit 5 Review


Question: The first 10 amendments in the constitution that guaranteed liberties are also know as ...
Answer: The bill of rights

Question: First people to enter a region
Answer: Pioneers

Question: To officially approve something
Answer: Ratify

Question: The first plan of government for the United States
Answer: Articles of Confederation

Question: An agreement to share powers between state and national governments
Answer: Federal system

Planning a New Government

Question: True of False : The articles of confederation were a successful form of government ?
Answer: False

Question: Why did The Articles of Confederation fail economically ?
Answer: The government could not collect taxes

Question: The agreement that every five enslaved people counted as three people
Answer: The Three Fifths Compromise

Question: The compromise that created the Senate and House of Representative
Answer: The Great Compromise

Question: What did Shays's Rebellion prove about the current government ?
Answer: The government was to week to keep order

United States Constitution

Question: How many branches exist under the United States Constitution ?
Answer: Three

Question: Which branch enforces the law ?
Answer: Executive

Question: What branch is also know as congress?
Answer: Legislative

Question: People who supported the constitution were called
Answer: Federalist

Question: The Anti-Federalist did not want to pass the constitution unless
Answer: Their rights were protected

The Louisiana Purchase

Question: True or False: The new settlers who moved west lived peacefully with the Native Americans
Answer: False

Question: Who did the United States buy The Louisiana Territory from ?
Answer: The French

Question: Which direction did Lewis and Clark travel on their expedition ?
Answer: West

Question: What were the two goals of the Expedition ?

Answer: 1. To find a land route to the pacific Ocean
2. Learn about the people and resources of the west

Question: What did the Embargo Act in 1807 do ?
Answer: The Act closed all American Ports

Important People

Question: Who was considered " The Father of the Country" ?
Answer: George Washington

Question: Who was considered the "Father of the Constitution" ?
Answer: James Madison

Question: Who embarked on the Corps of Discovery ?
Answer: Lewis and Clark

Question: Who found a passage through the Appalachian Mountains ?
Answer: Daniel Boone

Question: What was the name of the Native American who was essential during Lewis' and Clark's Expedition ?
Answer: Sacagawea