
Chapter 11 and 12 Test


Question: Who invented the cotton gin?
Answer: Eli Whitney

Question: Name the following in order of their Presidential terms.
James Monroe, Andrew Jackson, John Quincy Adams, and Martin Van Buren
Answer: Monroe, John Q. Adams, Andrew Jackson, Van Buren

Question: Who were the Democrats?
Answer: a new political party started by the supporters of Andrew Jackson.

Question: Why was Nat Turner's rebellion important?
Answer: . It increased fear in the South, and led to stricter laws controlling slaves.

Question: How did Robert Fulton's steamboat help the economy?
Answer: Making transportation on rivers more efficient

Court Cases and Treaties

Question: This treaty gave Florida to the US.
Answer: Adam-Onis Treaty

Question: Cases such as McCulloch vs. Maryland and Gibbons vs. Ogden had what effect?
Answer: They strengthened the federal government.

Question: What was the Missouri Compromise a compromise about?
Answer: slavery

Question: What was the Indian Removal Act?
Answer: President Jackson had the power to relocate Southeastern Indians to lands west of the Mississippi River.

Question: What issue did the Nullification Crisis address?
Answer: States' Rights


Question: This was a sad journey of the Cherokees to the Indian Territory.
Answer: Trail of Tears

Question: These were sung by slaves and helped the day go by faster.
Answer: spirituals

Question: This term refers to a person who puts the interests of his or her state or region ahead of what is best for the rest of the nation.
Answer: Sectionalism

Question: This was the practice Jackson used to reward his political backers.
Answer: spoils system

Question: These helped transform manufacturing and were invented by Eli Whitney.
Answer: interchangeable parts

Industrial Revolution

Question: Why did manufacturing shift from homemade goods to mass production of goods?
Answer: Factories allowed the ability to produce goods more efficiently.

Question: How did interchangeable parts affect industrialization?
Answer: made the production of goods more efficient

Question: Early textile factories were built near ___________?
Answer: rivers

Question: During the Industrial Revolution, there was a shift in the location of people from ____ to ____.
Answer: rural to urban

Question: What is the primary reason for the change in cotton production during the Industrial Revolution?
Answer: The cotton gin


Question: DAILY DOUBLE!!!
What voting restriction changed in the early 1800's?
Answer: property qualifications

Question: Why were most of the factories located in New England?
Answer: streams and rivers, poor soil conditions made farm families willing to work in factories, had ships and access to the ocean.

Question: What was the issue that came about when Missouri applied to become a state, and how was it resolved?
Answer: It would have upset the balance between slave states and non-slave states. It was resolved by admitting Maine also, and outlawing slavery in the northern Louisiana Territory.

Question: What effect did Jackson killing the bank of the U.S. have on the nation?
Answer: It caused a depression.

Question: DAILY DOUBLE!!!
Whose interests were most harmed by the Tariff of 1828?
Answer: Southern plantation owners