
Medieval China_2

After the Han

Question: This was the era of disorder that occurred after the fall of the Han Dynasty
Answer: Period of Disunion

Question: This occurred because of the invaders moving into the North of China and because of the Northern Chinese, unhappy with the invaders, moving south

Answer: A mix of cultures

Question: This crop was grown in the south because of it's need for a more fertile and wet climate
Answer: Rice

Question: _______ruled China with an iron fist. Those who threatened her power risked death. Yet she was an effective leader and appointed highly skilled officials.

Answer: Answer: Empress Wu

Question: Put the dynasties in order:
Tang, Sui, Song
Answer: Sui, Tang, Song

Tang and Song Achievements

Question: This invention allowed for the movement of water into irrigation channels.
Answer: Answer: dragon backbone pump

Question: This was built to protect the country from northern tribes.
Answer: Answer: Great Wall of China

Question: A surplus of food was found in both the cities and the countrysides because of this
Answer: trade

Question: Marco Polo allowed for an increase want or desire of Chinese goods in this continent.
Answer: Europe

Question: In a bureaucracy, the government officials are not ___________.
Answer: Elected


Question: In China, this was an educated government official
Answer: a scholar-official

Question: Neo-confucianism was adopted by this dynasty.
Answer: Song

Question: Many people turned to this religion because it offered a spiritual escape in the afterlife.
Answer: Buddhism

Question: What two principles form the basis of Confucianism?
Answer: Ren and Li

Question: Neo-Confucianism mixed beliefs and ideals from Confucianism, Buddhism and ______
Answer: Daosim


Question: The Mongols were from the _______
Answer: North of China

Question: Name a reason why the Mongols were seen as rude and uncivilized
Answer: They spoke a different language
They worshipped different Gods
They wore different clothes

Question: True or False: The Ming Emperors were more powerful than the Tang and Song rulers because the leaders of the Ming got rid of or abolished local rulers.
Answer: True

Question: True or False: When China isolated themselves from the rest of the world, they fell behind the rest of the world in terms of technology and advancements.
Answer: True

Question: ________ was known for uniting the Mongols together.
Answer: Genghis Khan

Everything Else

Question: Between Tea, Rice and Milk, this item was NOT exported by Chinese Merchants.
Answer: Milk

Question: Sea voyages with fleets with more than 60 ships allowed the spread of influence of this empire
Answer: Ming

Question: Because of this policy, China fell behind other countries in technological achievements and in military power.
Answer: Isolationism

Question: This man sailed for the Ming dynasty.
Answer: Zheng He

Question: Trade meant that there was a lot of this found in both cities and the countryside.
Answer: Food