
Ancient Greece Review II

Places Around Greece

Question: The market place, meeting place of the ancient Greeks.
Answer: Agora

Question: Where the gods and goddess resided.
Answer: Mt. Olympus

Question: The term that means "High Hill". A place where temples where placed and citizens sought refuge during an attack.
Answer: Acropolis

Question: The temple devoted to Athena that sits on the Acropolis.
Answer: Parthenon

Question: Phillip II who eventually conquered Greece came from a country north of Greece. Name the country.
Answer: Macedonia

Geographical Features

Question: Greece is surrounded on 3 sides of by water. Name is type of geographical feature.
Answer: Peninsula

Question: The people of ancient Greece found it difficult to travel by foot because of what?
Answer: The mountainous terrain.

Question: The large island off the mainland of Greece is called what?
Answer: Crete

Question: The Sea located to the south of Greece is what?
Answer: Mediterranean Sea

Question: Name the peninsula on which Sparta is located.
Answer: Peloponnesian


Question: The Greeks held the Olympics in honor of what god?
Answer: Zeus

Question: The Greeks held the Olympic games every ? years.
Answer: 4

Question: Winners of contest in the ancient Olympics won what?
Answer: A laural wreath around their head.

Question: Name the colors of the Olympic rings.
Answer: Black, Blue, Red, Green and Yellow.

Question: What do the 5 rings stand for on the Olympic symbol?
Answer: The 5 Major continents.


Question: Greek word for city-state.
Answer: polis

Question: Greek soldiers were called what?
Answer: hoplites

Question: The term that means "Love of Wisdom"
Answer: Philosophy

Question: Name the term for a wide spread disease
Answer: Plague

Question: Name the term that means "Greek-Like" or having Greek qualities.
Answer: Hellenistic

Greek Architecture

Question: Name the style of column that is very plain, with no decoration.
Answer: Doric

Question: Name the column that has circular curls on each side of the top, resembling ram's horns.
Answer: Ionic

Question: Name the thinnest, most decrative column with flowers/leaves at the top is called what?
Answer: Corinthian

Question: Name the triangular-shaped part of a greek temple located at the top of the building.
Answer: Pediment

Question: Name the narrow band below the pediment that contains metope scultures.
Answer: Frieze