
Investigations 1-3 Jeopardy Review

Investigation 1

Question: What is the type of model that a scientist develops in his mind called?
Answer: Conceptual model.

Question: What is a model that is built to represent something else called?
Answer: Physical model

Question: What is a shadow zone?
Answer: Part of the earth's surface where no seismic waves from a certain earthquake can be detected.

Question: What is an example of a physical model?
Answer: Answers will vary...dinosaurs, river flow, ocean waves, etc.

Question: What does 'conceptual model means' and give an example of a conceptual model.
Answer: It's a concept of how something works in nature. An example would be the model of an atom.

Investigation 2

Question: What do scientists use to measure the earthquake waves that pass through the earth?
Answer: A seismograph.

Question: What is the point beneath the Earth's surface where an earthquake originates called?
Answer: The focus.

Question: What are the last waves to arrive at a seismograph called?
Answer: S waves.

Question: What are scientists that study earthquakes called?
Answer: Seismologists.

Question: What are the waves that travel through the earth called?
Answer: Seismic waves (S waves).

Investigation 3

Question: What is the name of the part of the earth that is liquid called?
Answer: The inner core.

Question: What are the mid-ocean ridges located above?
Answer: The convection cells in the mantle.

Question: What is the inner core made of? Is it solid or liquid?
Answer: Iron and liquid

Question: What happens to the temperature and pressure as you move towards the center of the Earth?
Answer: The pressure and temperature increase.

Question: Convection is a motion in a fluid that is caused by (describe the heating and cooling). Where in the earth are convection cells found?
Answer: Heating from below and cooling from above. In the mantle.


Question: All of the Earth's oceans have a continuous mountain range called a ...
Answer: Mid-ocean ridge

Question: The ____________________ is made of the crust and the rigid, upper part of the mantle. It is below the __________.
Answer: Asthenosphere. Lithosphere.

Question: How does math help in developing models?
Answer: Sometimes a model can be represented with an equation. By changing different numbers in the equation, scientist can predict what will happen.

Question: Wave refraction occurs when...(name three things)
Answer: A wave changes direction, speed, and it crosses a boundary between two different materials

Question: How do the lithosphere and asthenosphere compare? Give two characteristics of EACH.
Answer: The lithosphere is rigid and cooler than the much hotter, convecting asthenosphere. The asthenosphere is under greater pressure than the lithosphere.

Super Challenge

Question: Draw and label two pictures showing compressional (P) waves, and shear (S) waves.
Answer: See pictures

Question: Compare (P) waves and (S) waves. Give TWO comparisons.

Question: The movement of the new oceanic crust in both directions away from a ridge crest is called...
Answer: Sea floor spreading

Question: About how much do Lithospheric plates move each year?
Answer: Roughly only a few centimeters.

Question: Draw and label the ocean floor and mantle using the following words: mantle, ocean, mid-ocean ridge, and lithospheric plates. Use arrows to show the movement of the mantle and the lithospheric plates.