
Indiana's Statehood


Question: Answer: Land that is owned by a country but is not a state
Answer: What is a territory?

Question: Answer: The first group of people to settle in a new region.
Answer: Who are pioneers?

Question: Answer: The practice of treating people as property and forcing them to work.
Answer: What is slavery?

Question: Answer: A person who lives in a specific place.
Answer: What is a resident?

Question: Answer: A count of people that live in a given place at a given time.
Answer: What is a census?


Question: Answer: A Miami chief that led a successful assault on the fort at Kekionga.
Answer: Who is Little Turtle?

Question: Answer: An American general that had the nickname of "Mad Anthony" for being a risk-taker on the battlefield.
Answer: Who was Anthony Wayne?

Question: Answer: The first governor of the Indiana Territory from 1800-1812.
Answer: Who was William Henry Harrison?

Question: Answer: A Shawnee leader that led uprisings against the US Army and was against selling land to the white man.
Answer: Who was Tecumseh?

Question: Answer: The first governor of the state of Indiana.
Answer: Who was Jonathan Jennings?


Question: Answer: This battle lasted about an hour and was won by the US Army in the absence of little Turtle.
Answer: What was the Battle of Fallen Timbers?

Question: Answer: he was the Shawnee leader, and brother of Tecumseh, that led a surprise attack on Harrison's forces at the Battle of Tippecanoe.
Answer: Who was The Prophet (Tenskwatawa)?

Question: Answer: This was the result of the British capturing American ships and kidnapping sailors?
Answer: What was the War of 1812?

Question: Answer: Although he lost many men, Harrison's troops were able to defeat native Americans at Prophetstown in this battle.
Answer: What is the Battle of Tippecanoe?

Question: Answer: This battle resulted in the death of Tecumseh?
Answer: What was the Battle of the Thames?


Question: Answer: This agreement established a firm boundary between land belonging to Native Americans and the United States.
Answer: What was the Treaty of Greenville?

Question: Answer: This law set up the rules for the division and selling of land in the Northwest Territory.
Answer: What was the Land Ordinance of 1785?

Question: Answer: A special section that had to reserved in a township.
Answer: What is a school?

Question: Answer: It described the rights of settlers in the Northwest Territory including the practice of making slavery illegal.
Answer: What was the Northwest ordinance?

Question: Answer: The act that allowed the President to force Native Americans to reservations in Oklahoma.
Answer: What was the Indian Removal Act?


Question: Answer: The two things needed for Indiana to become a state.
Answer: What were 60,000 people and a constitution?

Question: Answer: The date that Indiana became a state.
Answer: What is December 11, 1816?

Question: Answer: Indiana was the __________th state to join the United States.
Answer: What is nineteen?

Question: Answer: Indiana's first capital.
Answer: What was Corydon?

Question: Answer: Indiana's first governor.
Answer: Who was Jonathan Jennings?