
Evolution Jeopardy Review!

Evolutionary Scientists

Question: Which Evolutionary Scientist studied the earth and proposed that it was millions of years old?
Answer: James Hutton

Question: Which evolutionary scientist made observations from a ship about how island species were related?
Answer: Charles Darwin

Question: This Scientist had a simliar theory to Darwin, however, his theory was later deemed incorrect.
Answer: Jean Baptiste Lamarck

Question: He studied human populations and determined that eventually we will run out of room and space for people.
Answer: Thomas Malthus

Question: This scientist supported Hutton's Theory, but also said that we must look into the past to help determine the future.
Answer: Charles Lyell


Question: What is the name of our classifcation system?
Answer: Binomial Nomenclature

Question: What is the name of the naturalist that developed our classification system?
Answer: Linnaeus

Question: What are the two parts included in a scientific name?
Answer: Genus and Species

Question: What are the two major rules for naming organisms?

Answer: 1. First letter of genus is capitalized.
2. Rest of name is underlined or italicized.

Question: What is the major language that is used to name organisms?
Answer: Latin

Theories of Evolution

Question: What are the two major names for Charles Darwin's Theory of evolution?
Answer: Natural Selection
Survival of the Fittest

Question: What were the major points of Larmarck's Evolutionary Theory?

Answer: Animals that use and disuse organs over time can pass those traits onto offspring.

Question: What are three types of isolation that can lead to a new species?
Answer: Temporal, Geographical, and Behavioral

Question: What is common descent?
Answer: The thought that all organisms originally came from one common ancestor.

Question: What are the three major types of selection?
Answer: Stablizing, Disruptive, and Directional

Evolutionary Vocabulary

Question: What is the definition of evolution?
Answer: Change over time

Question: What terms describes a change that an organism makes to better suit its environment?
Answer: Adaptation

Question: What term best describes an organism which has a better ability to survive than others?
Answer: Fitness

Question: Name the order of the classification categories. (Hint: King?)
Answer: Domain,Kingdom,Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species

Question: What are vestigial organs?
Answer: Organs that are not used anymore.

Evolution in Real Life

Question: What were the two major animals that Darwin studied?
Answer: Finches and Tortoises

Question: What do finches with different beaks tell you about their lifestyle?
Answer: They ate different types of food.

Question: What makes the cheetah its owns species?
Answer: 1. They all look alike.
2. They can interbreed and produce fertile offspring.

Question: The population of people has evolved to have a larger average height. What type of natural selection is this?
Answer: Directional

Question: A whale fin, a turtle leg, and a human arm all have very similar bone structures. What is the term for this relationship?
Answer: Homologous Structures