
Wilthorpe Spanish


Question: What language do they speak in Spain
Answer: Spanish (Catalan,Galician,Castilian and Basque Spanish )

Question: How do you say 'how to play a game' in Spanish
Answer: Jugar un juego

Question: How do you say 'sport' in Spanish
Answer: Deporte

Question: How do you say merry Christmas in Spanish
Answer: ¡Feliz navidad

Question: What is 'sweet' in Spanish
Answer: Dulce


Question: What is the capital of Spain
Answer: Madrid

Question: Is 'Ibiza' an irland
Answer: Yes it is

Question: where is Mabella in spain
Answer: next to the coast

Question: How many cities are they in Spain
Answer: At least 24 cities

Question: what is one of the most famous cities (beginning with S) in Spain apart from Madrid and Barcelona
Answer: Seville


Question: What is 'eleven' in Spanish
Answer: Once

Question: What is 'twenty four' in Spanish
Answer: Veinticuatro

Question: Hoe do you say 'thirty' in Spanish
Answer: Treinta

Question: What is 'fourty' in Spanish
Answer: Cuarenta

Question: How do you say 'fiftyfive' in Spanish
Answer: Cincuenta y cinco

Famous people

Question: Who is Kier Casillas
Answer: A Footballer

Question: What does Rudy Fernandez do
Answer: He plays basketball

Question: Who is Enrique Iglesias
Answer: A Singer and a song writer

Question: What is Raul Gonzalez Blanco
Answer: A striker

Question: What is àlbert montañs
Answer: Tennis


Question: How do you say football in Spanish
Answer: El futbol

Question: How do you say bicycle in Spanish
Answer: La Bicicleta

Question: What year did Spain host the Olympic Games
Answer: 1992

Question: How many people in Spain play tennis and soiccer
Answer: About 70%

Question: At the 2000 Olympic Games held in Sydney, Australia how many gold medals did Spain win
Answer: 3