


Question: If you have 7 cookies, if you eat 3 and are given 2 times the amount cookies left how many are their?
Answer: 8 cookies

Question: You have $20 if you spend half how much is left?
Answer: 10 dollars

Question: what is 2x2+4+35=

Answer: 43

Question: You are a stamp collector, you have 1000 stamps you gave away 145 and were given 291 more stamps how many do you have?
Answer: you will have 1176

Question: What is 1/10+4/6
Answer: 46/60 or 23/30 if you simplfied


Question: What does the law of conservation of energy state?
Answer: It states that you can not create or destroy energy it can only transform.

Question: Name 1 form of energy that you use WAY to much?
Answer: Electrical energy

Question: Name 1 way energy travels?
Answer: energy travels through waves (electric energy) and radiation (heat)

Question: What is the speed of light in space?
Answer: 300,000,000 miles per second

Question: What is the fasted type of light
Answer: Gamma rays

English (reading & Writing)

Question: What is the definition to a simile
Answer: a comparison of two things using like or as

Question: What is the difference and simalaries between a metaphor and a simile
Answer: A metaphor does not use like or as and they both are comparissons

Question: Name 1 type of writing?
Answer: Narratives,poetry, expository, etc.

Question: What is cause and effect
Answer: cause and effect is the event that caused something to happen which is the effect.

Question: What is a speech
Answer: A speech is a type of writing which is often read aloud, about a topic of chois

History (Social studies)

Question: Who is the first US president?
Answer: Goerge Washington

Question: What is a song about a bill becomeing a law
Answer: I'm a bill

Question: What important document separated us from britan
Answer: the Delcaration of Independence

Question: Who was the King of Britain when the Colonist had the revelution
Answer: King Gorge III

Question: Why did you learn about Paul Revere?
Answer: He was the one who warned us of a magor battle

Advanced (chance)

Question: 10/5x2/3
Answer: 4/3

Question: 1/4x1/3
Answer: 1/12

Question: 6/12+3/4
Answer: 15/12

Question: 3/9x3/5
Answer: 9/15

Question: 5/100x25/50

Answer: 1/40