

(LCM) and (GCF)

Question: What is the Least Common Multiple (LCM) of 25 and 175?
Answer: The Least Common Multiple is 175.

Question: What is the Geast Common Factor (GCF) of 8 and 136?
Answer: The Greatest Common Factor is 8 .

Question: What is the LCM of 12 and 20?
Answer: The LCM is 60.

Question: What is the (GCF) of 27 and 171?
Answer: The (GCF) is 9.

Question: What is the GCF of 88 and 111.
Answer: the answer is 11.

Adding and Subtracting with Unlike Denominators

Question: What is 3/4 + 5/24?
Answer: The answer is 23/24.

Question: What is 12/6 - 12/36?
Answer: The answer is 1 2/3.

Question: What is 14/2 + 6/8
Answer: The answer is 62/8.

Question: What is 45/3 - 78/6?
Answer: The answer is 12/6.

Question: What is 13/8 + 8/13?
Answer: The answer is 233/104.


Question: What is 120/3 simplified?
Answer: The answer is 40/3.

Question: What is 2,700/9 simplified?
Answer: The answer is 300.

Question: What is 40/16 simplified?
Answer: The answer is 5/2.

Question: What is 455/5 simplified?
Answer: The answer is 91/1.

Question: What is 10,987,654,321/12 simplified?
Answer: The answer is 10,987,654,321/12.

Mixed Numbers/ Fractions Grater than 1

Question: What is 16/8 written as a mixed number?
Answer: The answer is 2.

Question: What is 3 2/18 written as a fraction grater than one?
Answer: The answer is 56/2.

Question: What is 38/6 written as a mixed number?
Answer: The answer is 6 1/3.

Question: What is 6 8/5 written as a Fraction Grater than One?
Answer: The answer is 38/5.

Question: What is 14 15/19 written as a Fraction Grater than 1?
Answer: The answer is 281/19.


Question: Estimate 8/10 + 5/14?
Answer: The answer is 1 1/2.

Question: Estimate 8 2/3 - 2 1/5.
Answer: The answer is 7.

Question: Estimate 78 3/15 + 2 3/5.
Answer: The answer is 81.

Question: Estimate 34 - 7 9/13.
Answer: The answer is 27 1/2.

Question: Estimate 323 1/2 + 102 5/6.
Answer: The answer is 426 1/2.