
Reconstruction Ch. 1 Lesson 2

Terror Against African Americans

Question: Once the 14th Amendment was ratified, the black codes became ___________________________.

a. Constitutional

b. Unconstitutional

c. Optional
Answer: a. Constitutional

Question: Once the black codes were illegal, white Southerners used ____________________ to restrict the rights of African Americans.

a. protests

b. whining

c. violence
Answer: c. violence

Question: What is the Ku Klux Klan?

a. A group of men who terrorized African Americans by beating them up, lynching them and using other forms of violence against them.

b. A group of men who terrorized white Southerners by beating them up, lynching them and using other forms of violence against them.

c. A group of people who fought for the vote for women.
Answer: a. A group of men who terrorized African Americans by beating them up, lynching them and using other forms of violence against them.

Question: What "crimes" did African Americans commit that made white Southerners so upset?

a. African Americans stole from white Southerners.

b. African Americans tried to register to vote or open their own businesses.

c. African Americans tried to keep white Southerners from voting.
b. African Americans tried to register to vote or open their own businesses.

Question: Which political party did most Southern African Americans support?


b. Democrats

c. Republicans
Answer: c. Republicans

Compromise of 1877

Question: By 1877, what was the attitude of the North towards the Southern Reconstruction?

a. The North was still fully involved and excited about it.

b. The North was tired of it.

c. The North's attitude was for it one day and tired of it the next.
Answer: b. The North was tired of it.

Question: What were some of the problems the nation was facing in the 1870s?

a. High national debt, women protesting for the right to vote, few jobs.

b. Low national debt, African Americans protesting against lynch laws, southern military rule.

c. Bad national economy, high unemployment, worry about having enough money to live.
Answer: c. Bad national economy, high unemployment, worry about having enough money to live.

Question: Who won the popular vote in the presidential election of 1876?

a. Samuel Tilden, a Democrat.

b. Woodrow Wilson, a Republican.

c. Rutherford B. Hayes, a Republican.
Answer: c. Rutherford B. Hayes, a Republican.

Question: Who claimed to have won the electoral vote in the presidential election of 1876?

a. Rutherford B. Hayes, a Republican.

b. Woodrow Wilson, a Democrat

c. Samuel Tilden, a Democrat
a. Rutherford B. Hayes, a Republican.

Question: What ended the disagreement of who had won the presidential election of 1876?

a. Congress set up a commission which said that Hayes won the election and Hayes agreed to end military rule in the South.

b. Congress set up a commission which said that Tilden won the election and he agreed to end military rule in the South.

c. Congress set up a commission which said that Wilson won the election and he agreed to end military rule in the South.
Answer: a. Congress set up a commission which said that Hayes won the election and Hayes agreed to end military rule in the South.

Chapter Summary

Question: What kinds of things did the "Jim Crow" laws prevent African Americans from doing?

a. Working in farming, voting, paying taxes.

b. Working in factories, going to school with whites, travel in white sections of railroad cars, drink from a white-only drinking fountain.

c. Going to school at all, drinking from white-only drinking fountains, working in factories, voting.
Answer: b. Working in factories, going to school with whites, travel in white sections of railroad cars, drink from a white-only drinking fountain, voting.

Question: What is a "poll tax"?

a. a tax African Americans had to pay in order to vote.

b. a tax everyone had to pay in order to vote.

c. a tax African Americans had to pay to give their opinion in a poll.
Answer: a. a tax African Americans had to pay in order to vote.

Question: What is a "literacy test"?

a. A test to see how well students could read before they were assigned to a class at school.

b. A test to see if a voter could read and write. If they couldn't, they couldn't vote.

c. A test to see if a voter could spell all of the candidates' names in an election. If they couldn't, they couldn't vote.
b. A test to see if a voter could read and write. If they couldn't, they couldn't vote.

Question: What is a "grandfather clause"?

a. The name Southern African Americans gave to Santa Claus.

b. No man could vote if his grandfather hadn't been able to vote before the Civil War.

c. No man could vote if his grandfather refused to give him permission.
b. No man could vote if his grandfather hadn't been able to vote before the Civil War.

Question: Bonus points!!!! You win 500!
Answer: Congrats!

Compare and Contrast

Question: Name the 3 plans for Reconstruction.

a. Northern Reconstruction Plan, Southern Reconstruction Plan, Congress Reconstruction Plan.

b. Johnson's Reconstruction Plan, Congress Reconstruction Plan, Supreme Court Reconstruction Plan.

c. Lincoln's Reconstruction Plan, Johnson's Reconstruction Plan, Congress Reconstruction Plan.
Answer: c. Lincoln's Reconstruction Plan, Johnson's Reconstruction Plan, Congress Reconstruction Plan.

Question: Name one thing that was the same about each of the plans.

a. No rights for African Americans.

b. Write a new state constitution.

c. Oath of allegiance must be taken by 10% of the state's population.
Answer: b. Write a new state constitution.

Question: Name one thing that was different between Johnson's Reconstruction plan and Congress's Reconstruction plan.

a. Congress's plan established five military districts in the South, Johnson's plan did not.

b. Congress wanted elections to be held, Johnson's did not.

c. Congress wanted states to write a new constitution, Johnson's plan did not.
a. Congress's plan established five military districts in the South, Johnson's plan did not.

Question: Name one thing that was different between Lincoln's Reconstruction plan and Johnson's Reconstruction plan.

a. Lincoln's plan required an oath of allegiance, but Johnson's plan did not.

b. Lincoln's plan required African Americans be given the right to vote, Johnson's did not.

c. Lincoln's plan did not require ratification of the 13th or 14th Amendments, Johnson's plan required ratification of the 13th Amendment only.
Answer: c. Lincoln's plan did not require ratification of the 13th or 14th Amendments, Johnson's plan required ratification of the 13th Amendment only.

Question: Which of the following plans for Reconstruction wanted to guarantee equal rights to all male citizens?

a. Johnson's

b. Lincoln's

c. Congress's
Answer: c. Congress's.


Question: What is a "lynch law"?

a. Hanging African Americans without a legal trial (during and after Reconstruction of the South).

b. A law making it illegal to hang African Americans without a legal trial (during and after Reconstruction of the South).

c. Hanging ex-Confederates for crimes they did during the Civil War.
Answer: a. Hanging African Americans without a legal trial (during and after Reconstruction of the South).

Question: What is a "popular vote"?

a. The majority vote of the delegates to the electoral college.

b. The majority vote of the members of the House of Representatives.

c. The majority vote of the people.
Answer: c. The majority vote of the people (text p. 373)

Question: What is the "electoral vote"?

a. The majority vote of the delegates of the electoral college.

b. The majority vote of the members of the House of Representatives.

c. The majority vote of the people.
Answer: a. The majority vote of the delegates of the electoral college.

Question: Who or what was "Jim Crow"?

a. Jim Crow was a person who fought to get African Americans the right to vote.

b. Jim Crow referred to laws Southern states passed that discriminated against African Americans after the Civil War.

c. Jim Crow referred to laws Northern states passed that discriminated against African Americans after the Civil War.
Answer: b. Jim Crow referred to laws Southern states passed that discriminated against African Americans after the Civil War.

Question: What was "segregation"?

a. The separation of people based on race.

b. The separation of people based on age.

c. The separation of people based on gender.
Answer: a. The separation of people based on race.