
review quiz

Vowels or consonants?

Question: How many consonants are there in the word BLUE?
Answer: 2

Question: Name the vowels in the alphabet.
Answer: A, E, I,O,U, sometimes Y

Question: How many vowels are in the word TABLE?
Answer: 2

Question: Name the consonants.
Answer: b,c,d,f,g, h, j, k, l, m, n , p, q, r, s, t, v, w, x, z

Question: Are there more consonants or vowels in the word 'points' ?
Answer: consonants

The Water Cycle

Question: What happens first in the water cycle?
Answer: Evaporation

Question: What is it called when it rains?
Answer: Precipitation.

Question: Why is it called the water cycle?
Answer: Because it moves in a circle and is never-ending.

Question: When water turns from a liquid to a gas, what is this called?
Answer: Evaporation

Question: What powers the water cycle?
Answer: The sun.

Long e or short e?

Question: see
Answer: Long E

Question: bet
Answer: short E

Question: here
Answer: Long E

Question: Hear
Answer: Long E

Question: better
Answer: Short E

Love, Splat

Question: Who are the characters in the story?
Answer: Splat, Spike, Kitten

Question: What is the setting in the story?
Answer: Home, classroom, on the street

Question: How did Splat feel at the beginning of the story?
Answer: He was nervous to give the card to Kitten

Question: What did Spike and Splat give kitten for Valentine's Day?
Answer: A card.

Question: How did the story end?
Answer: Kitten gave Splat a card and saw that Kitten liked him, too.




