
Biology byron center hs

blood flow

Question: How many chambers in the heart?

Answer: 4

Question: Many ______ branch from the aorta, carrying oxygen-rich blood to all parts of the body.
a. arteries
b. veins
c. chambers

Answer: a. arteries

Question: The heart is the ______ of the human circulatory system.
a. Power house
b. pump
c. generator

Answer: b. pump

Question: Complete the flow chart below representing the path that a red blood cell would take if traveling in a leg vein (through the cardiovascular system) back to the leg.
Leg vein-vena cava-

Answer: leg vein-vena cava-right atrium-right ventricle-pulmonary artery-cappillaires-upper body-pulmmonary vein-left atrium-left ventricle-aorta-vena cava-leg vein

Question: The vena cava is also in the urinary system.

Answer: true


Question: The muscles attached to these bones aid in breathing.

Answer: the ribs

Question: Location of the vocal chords.

Answer: larynx

Question: This gas is needed by the cells of the body for their proper function.

Answer: oxygen

Question: A flap which covers the opening to the trachea during swallowing.

Answer: epiglottis

Question: Tiny vessels (often 1 cell diameter) which surround the alveoli.

Answer: capillaries


Question: Uric acid is non toxic.

Answer: true

Question: Mammals produce …
A. ammonia
B. urea
C. uric acid
D. pee

Answer: b. urea

Question: Urethras are usually …
A. 5 inches
B. 1.5 inches
C. 6 inches
D. all of the above

Answer: d. all of the above

Question: What does the kidney balance?
A. electrolyte
B. urea
C. blood
D. A and C

Answer: c. blood

Question: Is ammonia helpful as well as toxic?

Answer: Yes, it can be used in cleaners and also helps plants grow.


Question: Tube of passage of food from pharynx to the stomach.

Answer: The esophagus.

Question: Process that converts complex organic molecules into simpler ones.

Answer: digestion

Question: Another term for the large intestine.

Answer: The colon

Question: The organ in which birds store food.

Answer: the gizzard

Question: The muscular action that moves food through the digestive tract.

Answer: peristalsis




