
Reconstruction Ch. 1 Lesson 2

Southern Reaction, Northern Response

Question: When the newly elected Southern members of Congress went to Washington, D.C. to take their seats in Congress, why were the Northern members of Congress alarmed? (p. 10)

a. Southern members of Congress came to Washington, D.C. wearing the colors of the Confederacy.

b. Southern members of Congress came to Washington, D.C. looking for a fight with the Northerners.

c. Southern members of Congress turned out to be former leaders in the Confederacy.
Answer: c. Southern members of Congress turned out to be former leaders in the Confederacy. (p. 10)

Question: As ex-Confederate officials began to gain power in the South by winning elections, what did they do that worried a lot of people in the North? (p. 10)

a. They began passing laws limiting the freedom of African Americans (the black codes).

b. They began the practice of slavery all over again.

c. They rounded up African Americans and sent them to concentration camps.
Answer: a. They began passing laws limiting the freedom of African Americans (the black codes).

Question: Which of the following were part of the black codes? (p. 10)

a. African Americans must serve on juries, carry a gun, and sign a labor contract for a year at a time.

b. African Americans could not serve on juries, carry guns, gather in groups at night. They could only work on a farm and had to sign labor contracts for a year at a time.

c. African Americans could not run for public office, gather in groups at any time. They were required to go to church on Sunday and give at least 10% of their income to charity.
Answer: b. African Americans could not serve on juries, carry guns, gather in groups at night. They could only work on a farm and had to sign labor contracts for a year at a time.

Question: Because there was so much violence in the South against African Americans, what did Congress do to protect them? (p. 10-11)

a. Passed the Civil Rights Act of 1866.

b. Passed the Voting Rights Act of 1865.

c. Passed the Non-Violence Act of 1866.
Answer: a. Passed the Civil Rights Act of 1866.

Question: What is the 14th Amendment about? (p. 11, 13)

a. It abolishes slavery.

b. It defines citizenship and explains the rights of citizens, including former slaves.

c. It forbids states from keeping any male citizen from voting, including former slaves.
Answer: b. It defines citizenship and explains the rights of citizens, including former slaves.

Radical Republicans' Plan

Question: In 1867, what important piece of law did Congress pass? (p. 11)

a. The Southern Repair Act.

b. The Southern Compromise Act.

c. The Reconstruction Act.
Answer: c. The Reconstruction Act.

Question: Which of the following was included in the Reconstruction Act of 1867? (p. 11)

a. The South was put under military rule, had to write new constitutions, give the vote to African Americans; male citizens were given equal rights, all states had to ratify the 14th amendment.

b. The South was made into a single large state, vote was given to African Americans and the 14th amendment had to be ratified.

c. The Southern leaders were replaced by leaders from the North and the 14th amendment had to be ratified.
Answer: a. The South was put under military rule, had to write new constitutions, give the vote to African Americans; male citizens were given equal rights, all states had to ratify the 14th amendment.

Question: What was one of the main goals that the Radical Republicans had for the South? (p. 11)

a. That the South pay for all the trouble it caused the Union.

b. To make sure whites and the Democratic party did not regain power in the South.

c. To make sure African Americans got the vote.
Answer: b. To make sure whites and the Democratic party did not regain power in the South.

Question: What did Congress do to Andrew Johnson to try and get him thrown out of office (impeach him) as the president? (p. 12)

a. Had spies collect as much "dirt" on him as possible so that Johnson would resign out of embarrassment.

b. Passed a law limiting the term of president to 1 year.

c. Brought charges against him, including that the fired his secretary of state without the approval of Congress.
Answer: c. Brought charges against him, including that the fired his secretary of state without the approval of Congress.

Question: What was the result of Congress' attempt to impeach Andrew Johnson? (p. 12)

a. Johnson was impeached.

b. Johnson was acquitted by one vote (he was found not guilty of the charges).

c. Johnson was acquitted but ordered to pay a fine of $500.
b. Johnson was acquitted by one vote (he was found not guilty of the charges).

African Americans & Reconstruction

Question: In March 1865, what did Congress set up to help former slaves adjust to their new lives? (p. 12)

a. The Bureau of Newly Freed Slaves

b. The Freedmen's Bureau

c. The Free Slave Bureau
Answer: b. The Freedmen's Bureau

Question: What kinds of things did the Freedmen's Bureau do for former slaves? (p. 12)

a. Provided babysitters so parents could work, arranged job training, provided medical care.

b. Provided food, clothing, medical care and built schools.

c. Provided medical care and job training.
b. Provided food, clothing, medical care and built schools.

Question: What was one main dream former slaves hoped to achieve? (p. 12)

a. To learn how to read.

b. To become a lawyer.

c. To own land.
Answer: c. To own land.

Question: In the end, most African Americans became _________________________. (p. 12)

a. Land owners

b. Business men

c. Sharecroppers
Answer: c. Sharecroppers

Question: How did being a sharecropper keep African Americans from becoming prosperous? (p. 13)

a. They took too many days off work to the point that crops died from lack of water.

b. Landowners basically turned sharecroppers back into slaves.

c. Landowners made sure sharecroppers were overcharged for seed than their crop was worth so they were always in debt.
Answer: c. Landowners made sure sharecroppers were overcharged for seed than their crop was worth so they were always in debt.

Women & Reconstruction

Question: What three amendments did Southern states have to ratify in order to rejoin the Union? (p. 13)

a. 1st, 2nd, 3rd.

b. 10th, 11th, 12th

c. 13th, 14th, 15th
Answer: c. 13th, 14th, 15th

Question: Free bonus points!

Question: Congratulations! This is a free bonus question.
Answer: You get 300 points!

Question: During the 1840s and 1850s women were working to get the right to vote. Why did they stop doing this?

a. They got tired of it.

b. They went to work for ending slavery.

c. They were forced to stop by the government.
Answer: b. They went to work for ending slavery.

Question: Did the 15th amendment give women the right to vote?

a. Yes

b. No
Answer: a. No


Question: What were the black codes?
p. 10

a. Laws that gave African Americans the right to vote.

b. Laws passed in the South during Reconstruction that limited what freed African Americans could do.

c. Laws passed in the North that limited what freed African Americans could do.
Answer: The black codes were laws passed in the South during Reconstruction that limited what freed African Americans could do.

Question: What are civil rights? (p. 11)

a. Rights that each person is born with, such as the right to seek happiness.

b. Rights that can be granted only by a king, such as the right to be a knight.

c. Rights that are guaranteed to a person by law, such as voting.
Answer: c. Rights guaranteed to a person by law, such as voting.

Question: What does it mean to impeach an elected official? (p. 11-12)

a. Impeach means to charge a government official with a crime.

b. Impeach means to charge a church official with a crime.

c. Impeach means to pardon a government official for a crime he or she committed.
Answer: a. Impeach means to charge a government official with a crime.

Question: Who were sharecroppers? (p. 12)

a. Northern land owners who donated shares of their crops to the poor.

b. Southern land owners who donated shares of their crops to the poor.

c. Freed African Americans who worked someone else's land in return for part of the crop.
Answer: Sharecroppers were freed African Americans who worked someone else's land in return for part of the crop. (p. 13)

Question: What is an amendment to the Constitution?

a. A change made to the Constitution.
b. A statement made by Congress to keep the Constitution the same.
c. When the people demand something during a protest.
d. None of the above.
Answer: a. A change made to the Constitution.