
Mr. D Math 2021


Question: A pair of pants costs $25 and a t-shirt costs $8.  What is my total cost? 
Answer: $33

Question: Answer: $159.99

Question: Answer: $15.97

Question: Answer: $4.03

Question: If I go out to eat with 3 friends (4 people in all) and we split the bill evenly, what is my share if the bill is $88?
Answer: $22

banking words

Question: a deposit is
Answer: money going into a bank account

Question: a debit is
Answer: money coming out of a bank account

Question: If I use my debit card, money will _________ my bank account.
Answer: come out of

Question: balance
Answer: the amount of money in the bank at a given time

Question: a teller is
Answer: the person who works at the counter inside a bank.


Question: 10 x 8
Answer: 80

Question: 4 x 4 
Answer: 16

Question: 5 x 9
Answer: 45

Question: 12 x 3
Answer: 36

Question: 15 x 6
Answer: 45


Question: before I can figure out a discount, I need to change the percent to a 
Answer: decimal

Question: 10 % as a decimal is
Answer: .10

Question: 10% of $50 is
Answer: $5

Question: If I buy something that costs $100 and it is 20% off, how much do I pay? 
Answer: $80

Question: I buy flowers for $20, a card for $5, and candy for $8.  I get 10% off my entire order.  What is the final cost after the discount? 
Answer: $29.70


Question: $16 + $40 + $15 = 
Answer: $71

Question: A bill that costs $125 is split 3 ways.  What does each person need to pay? 
Answer: $41.66

Question: If I have a balance of $225 in my bank and I make a purchase with my debit card of $43.50, what is my new balance after the transaction?  
Answer: $181.50

Question: If I split the number 24 into 6 equal groups:
a. what process (+, -, x, /) do I need to use?
b. how many will be in each group?

Answer: a. division
b. 4

Question: How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
Answer: A woodchuck would chuck all the wood that a woodchuck could chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood.