

To talk about breakfast 1

Question: Yogurt
Answer: El yogur

Question: Breakfast
Answer: El desayuno

Question: Bread
Answer: El Pan

Question: Bacon
Answer: El Tocino

Question: Eggs
Answer: Los Huevos

To talk about breakfast 2

Question: Cereal
Answer: El cereal

Question: For breakfast
Answer: En el desayuno

Question: Sausage
Answer: La salchicha

Question: Banana
Answer: El plátano

Question: Toast
Answer: El pan tostado

To talk about lunch 1

Question: Pizza
Answer: La pizza

Question: For lunch
Answer: En el almuerzo

Question: Ham and cheese sandwich
Answer: El sándwich de jamón y queso

Question: French Fries
Answer: Las papas fritas

Question: Cookie
Answer: La galletas

To talk about lunch 2

Question: Vegetable soup
Answer: La sopa de verduras

Question: Stawberries
Answer: Las Fresas

Question: Cheese
Answer: El queso

Question: Ham
Answer: Jamón

Question: Fruit salad
Answer: La ensalada de frutas

To talk about lunch 3

Question: Apple
Answer: Manzana

Question: Orange
Answer: La naranja

Question: Hot Dog
Answer: El perrito caliente

Question: Hamburger
Answer: La hamburguesa

Question: Salad
Answer: La ensalada