

Constitutional Convention

Question: In what year was the convention held?
Answer: 1787

Question: In what city was the convention held?
Answer: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Question: Who was elected as president of the convention?
Answer: George Washington

Question: What was the first set of laws for the U.S. that would be repealed at the convention?
Answer: Articles of Confederation

Question: What was known as the Great Compromise?
Answer: The plan to divide Congress into two parts to satisfy the small and large states.

Legislative Branch

Question: What two houses make up the Legislative Branch?
Answer: House of Representatives and Senate

Question: Which Article of the Constitution sets up the Legislative Branch?
Answer: Article I

Question: This is the building in which Congress meets.
Answer: Capitol Building

Question: The number of representatives in the House of Representatives.
Answer: 435

Question: How many members are in the Senate?
Answer: 100

Executive Branch

Question: Who is the head of the Executive Branch?
Answer: The president

Question: What is the primary job of the president?
Answer: To carry out, or enforce, the laws that are made in Congress.

Question: How is the president officially elected?
Answer: The electoral college.

Question: Who chooses the president in the event of a tie?
Answer: The House of Representatives, with each state having one vote.

Question: What are the requirements to be president?
Answer: A natural born citizen, 35 years old, a resident of the U.S. for at least 14 years.

Judicial Branch

Question: What is the job of the judicial branch?
Answer: To interpret, or explain the laws based on what is written in the Constitution.

Question: What is the highest court in the judicial branch and where does it meet?
Answer: Supreme Court; Supreme Court Building, Washington, D.C.

Question: What is the highest court in any state?
Answer: State Supreme Court

Question: What is the number of justices on the Supreme Court in Washington, D.C.?
Answer: 9

Question: Who presides over the Supreme Court?
Answer: The Chief Justice

Bill of Rights

Question: What is the Bill of Rights?
Answer: The first 10 amendments of the Constitution

Question: Which amendment gives Americans the freedom to choose and worship their own religion?
Answer: First Amendment

Question: What does the second amendment guarantee?
Answer: The right to keep and bear arms.

Question: The third amendment outlaws quartering. What is quartering referring to?
Answer: Being forced to house soldiers in private houses.

Question: How long after the Constitution was ratified were the Bill of Rights added to the document?
Answer: 2 years