

Non Sense words

Question: sel-leb-rit-tee
Answer: celebrity

Question: tean-ai-jer
Answer: teenager

Question: gar-den-ner
Answer: gardener

Question: mer-made
Answer: mermaid

Question: fam-il-lee
Answer: family


Question: When s and h get together the form a digraph. What sound does is make?
Answer: Sh

Question: When t and h get together they form a digraph. What sound does it make.
Answer: th

Question: There is a digraph in the word when. What are the two letters
Answer: w and h

Question: In the word chocolate there is a digraph. What are the letters and the sound they make? 
Answer: ch

Question: Sock has a digraph in it. What are the letters and the sound they make?
Answer: ck


Question: A word that rhymes with cook?
Answer: book, took

Question: A word that rhymes with giggle?
Answer: wiggle

Question: A word that rhymes with rain?
Answer: train ect

Question: A word that rhymes with sheep?
Answer: sleep weep keep

Question: A word that rhymes with fight?
Answer: flight, right, sight

Short or Long

Question: In the word pie. Is the ie short or long?
Answer: long

Question: In the word food. The oo makes a short of long sound?
Answer: long sound

Question: When the two vowels ai go walking what sound do they make?
Answer: long a

Question: In the word goat what vowel sound do you hear and what letter or letters make the sound?
Answer: long o and the two letters are oa

Question: When ea get together they make 3 different sounds what are they?
Answer: long e as in eat, short e as in bread, long a as in steak


Question: ed When added to the end of words has 3 different sounds what are they?
Answer: ed, d, t

Question: When es is added to the end of a word it makes what sound?
Answer: ez Short e sound

Question: Take the word swing and add ing to it. It becomes what word?
Answer: swinging

Question: Add est to the word fast.
Answer: Fastest

Question: Add ly to the word safe and what do you get?
Answer: safely