
Math Bowl 1


Question: How many faces on a cube ?A.8B.2C.4D.6
Answer: The answer is D.6

Question: Define congruent?
Answer: Same size,same shape

Question: How many sides does a quadrilateral have?
Answer: A quadrilateral has 4 sides.

Question: A triangle has angles that measure 60 degrees, 60 degrees, and 60 degrees degrees. What kind of triangle is this ?

A. right

B acute

C. obtuse

D. none of these
Answer: The answer is D. none of these.

Question: Explain how parallel and perpendicular lines are different.
Answer: Parallel lines will never intersect. Perpendicular lines intersect.


Question: What is a mixed number?

Answer: A whole number with a proper fraction

Question: What fraction equals 20% ?

a. 1 / 2

b. 2 / 20

c. 1 / 5

d. 10 / 100

c. 1 / 5

Question: What would be the lowest common denominator for the following fractions:

1 / 4 6 / 8 1 / 2 2 / 3 5 / 6
Answer: The lowest common denominator would be 24.

Question: Find the missing variable: 20 X ----- = ---- 32 24A. 15 B. 16 C. 17 D.18
Answer: The variable X = 15. The answer is A.

Question: If you walk a mile, you walk 5,280 feet or 1.760 yards, what is the relationship of 1,760 feet to a mile?

A. 1 / 2

B. 1 / 3

C. 1 / 5

D. 1 / 4

Answer: The answer is B. 1 / 3


Question: What is the mode of this list of numbers? 8. 31. 18. 25. 99. 18
Answer: The mode is 18.

Question: What is the median of these numbers?
4. 9. 6. 77. 23.
Answer: 9

Question: How is an average of a series of numbers calculated?
Answer: Total divided by the number of items

Question: Define median:

A. The middle value in a data set

B. The average value in a data set

C. The value thaqt occurs most often in a data set

D. The differece betweeen the lowest and highest values in a data set
Answer: Median is the middle value in a data set.

Question: Ten years ago, Julie opened a savings account with $250. She now has $ 3,750 in her acccount. Which equation would you use to find how many times as great Julie's savings account is now?

A. 3,750 - 250 = n

B. 3,750 + 250 = n

C. 3,750 \ 250 = n

D. 3,750 * 250 = n
Answer: The answer is C. 3,750 divided by 250 = n


What is 10 % of 100 ?

A. 1

B. 0

C. 5

D. 10

Answer: 10 % of 100 is D. 10

Question: What is 20 % of 340 ?A. 34B. 64C. 68C. 108
Answer: 20 % of 340 is C. 68

Question: Name the "easy' percentages for the following fractions :

1 / 2 1 / 4 1 / 3 1 / 8
Answer: 1 / 2 = 50 %

1 / 4 = 25 %

1 / 3 = 33 1 / 3 %

1 / 8 = 12 1 / 2 %

Question: 7 / 20 = _______ %

A. 0.35

B. 3.5

C. 35.0

D. 350.0
Answer: The answer is A. 0.35 %

Question: Last year, Indiana sales tac rose 1 % from 6 % to 7 % . A CD costs $12.99 before tax. How much more do you have to past as a result of the tax increase? Round your answer to the nearest cent.

A. $0.13

B. $0.78

C. $0.91

D. $1.30
Answer: The answer is A. $ 0.13 .

Word Problems

If a chicken lays one egg in one minute, how many minutes doe it take 12 chickens to lay a total of a dozen eggs?

A. 1 / 2 minute

B. 1 minute

C. 12 minutes

D. 144 minutes

It would take B. 1 minute.

Question: Find the number of seconds in 2 3 / 4 hours ?

A. 7200 seconds

B. 4800 seconds

C. 9900 seconds

D. 1000 seconds
Answer: The answer is C. 9900 seconds.

Question: It is time for turkeys to get weighed. If 1 pound = 16 ounces, what is the weight of a 430 ounce turkey rounded to the nearest pound?

A. 24 lbs.

B. 25 lbs.

C. 26 lbs.

D. 27 lbs.
Answer: The turkey would weigh D. 27 lbs.

Question: Roxanne found 34 new pads of paper , each with the same number of sheets. Which of the following could NOT be the total number of sheets?

A. 1.190

B. 1,700

C. 2,720

D. 2,520
Answer: D. 2,520 could not be the total number of sheets.

Question: Max gave equal amounts of the 462 strawberries he had to each of 6 friends and kept the same amount for himself. Which operation should be used and how many strawberries did each person get?

A. multiplicaqtion ; 66 strawberries

B. multiplication ; 77 strawberries

C. division ; 66 strawberries

D. division ; 77 strawberries
Answer: The answer would be C. division ; 66 strawberries