
18.1 and 18.2 AP Euro


Question: Relations between two people of the same sex, known as _______, was highly opposed by most from 1650-1800.
Answer: homosexuality

Question: Why did couples in western europe decide to marry later in life or not marry at all?
Answer: They wanted to be individually financially stable before marriage to support children.

Question: How were young women working in domestic service treated by the families they worked for?
Answer: They were treated very harshly. They were often physically and verbally abused.

Question: Which association were most elementary schools run by?
Answer: Jesuits

Question: What were the two main customs of western European society that separated it from the society of the rest of the world?
Answer: 1. The nuclear family household
2. The custom of late marriage


Question: ________ was illegal in the 16th and 17th centuries across Europe. It was still continued behind the government’s back and was often practiced by women who were not able to gain employment anywhere else.
Answer: Prostitution

Question: After what year did premarital sex start to skyrocket?
Answer: 1750

Question: Why did landlords discourage the marriage of poor couples?
Answer: They knew the couples weren’t financially stable and didn’t want to increase the number of homeless.

Question: What religion was the primary opposer of premarital sex?
Answer: Catholicism

Question: What was one example of strong community controls in Europe during the 18th century that had to do with premarital sex/pregnancy?
Answer: An unwed mother with a child was viewed as a great threat to the economic, social, and moral stability of the community


Question: ______ was rare and illegal in Europe at the time, so many rural mothers who could not support their kids would hide their pregnancies and then smothered (killed) their child once it was born.
Answer: abortion

Question: What were sexual relations a promise of between young couples who didn’t have children?
Answer: marriage soon

Question: How did late marriage affect the amount of equality between husbands and wives in western Europe?

Question: What type of women were more known to breastfeed their children?
Answer: Rural women

Question: In what general areas of Europe were babies breastfed?
Answer: They were breastfed mostly in western Europe.


Question: ______ was used by wealthy new mothers to nurse their infants by paying other women. This was believed to improve the fertility of the mother and lifespan of the infant.
Answer: wet nurses

Question: Why did the normal household shift away from a 3-generation household?
Answer: Couples wanted to establish their own homes and family traditions separate from their parents.

Question: Why did the number of illegitimate births sky-rocket?
Answer: There was a rise in sexual activity in young people.


Answer: Increased migration to urban areas

Question: What were the main causes of death in foundling homes?

Answer: infectious disease, malnutrition, neglect


Question: For which gender was apprenticeship less available?
Answer: Women

Question: Young men entering apprenticeship had to follow what rules regarding marriage?
Answer: They were not allowed to marry.

Question:  What is infanticide? What is it punishable by?
Answer: It is the killing a child within the year of birth and is punishable by death.

Question: How did Rousseau’s book Emile affect the way that children were treated in the age of Enlightenment?
Answer: It helped them to be treated as children and not as mini-adults. For example, they were punished less severely.

Question: How can you compare Rousseau and his work Emile to the works of Baldassare Castiglione and Thomas More?
Answer: The Courtier and Utopia both suggested ways for society to live like Rousseau's influence during the 18th century.