


Question: Who painted the Mona Lisa?
Answer: Leonardo da Vinci

Question: How many paintings did Van Gogh sell in his lifetime?4


Question: Who was the lead vocalist of Nirvana?
Answer: Kurt Cobain

Question: What nationality was Picasso?
Answer: Spanish 

Question: Which famous museum opened in London in April 1928?

Answer: Madam Tussauds


Question: Who was the 16th president of USA?
Answer: Abraham Lincoln 

Question: Who was the first president of America to declare war?
Answer: James Madison

Question: Who assassinated Abraham Lincoln?
Answer: John Wilkes Booth

Question: In which date did the First War begin?
Answer: November 11th, 1918 

Question: When the wars of roses were fought?
Answer: During 1455 to 1485


Question: Who wrote Don Quixote?


Miguel de Cervantes

Question: In which of Shakespeare's plays appear Duncan, Donalbain and Banquo?



Question: How many lines are there in a sonnet?

Answer: Fourteen

Question: Who wrote the gothic book title Dracula?


Bram Stoker

Question: Who wrote the Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr. Hyde?


Robert Louis Stevenson 


Question: 52 divided by 4 equals what?
Answer: 13

Question: True or False? Pi can be correctly written as a fraction.

Answer: False

Question: How many sides does a nonagon have?
Answer: 9

Question: What is the Net Prime Number after 7?
Answer: 11

Question: The Perimeter of a circle is also know as what?
Answer: The Circumference


Question: How many teeth an adult human has?
Answer: 32

Question: Name the inner layer of planet earth?
Answer: Core

Question: How many elements are there in the periodic table?
Answer: 118

Question: How many components made up the human blood?
Answer: 4

Question: Which planet of our solar system has 53 moons?
Answer: Saturn