


Question: Name the first Guatemalan singer?
Answer: Ricardo Arjona

Question: He was from Argentine, singer-songwriter, poet, writer and philosopher. His name is?
Answer: Facundo Cabral

Question: Mention the date when Facundo Cabral was killed in Guatemala?
Answer: July 11, 2011

Question: Is the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power. This is called?
Answer: Art

Question: What year when Mona Lisa´s painting was stolen from the Louvre in Paris?
Answer: 1911


Question: What does Guatemala mean?
Answer: Many trees

Question: How many years did the civil war last in Guatemala?
Answer: 36

Question: What year was the independence of Guatemala?
Answer: September 15, 1821

Question: What date was the signing of peace in Guatemala?
Answer: December 29, 1996

Question: Name the national Quiche eroe of Guatemala?
Answer: Tecun Human


Question: The total amount resulting from the addition of two or more numbers, amounts, or items. It is?
Answer: sum

Question: The process of taking one number or amount away from another. This is?
Answer: Substraction

Question: How much is 8x9?
Answer: 72

Question: It is portion of a division, where dividend and divisor are numeric values entered manually or included into the cells you make reference to. It is?
Answer: Quotient

Question: Mention the parts of division?
Answer: Quotient, divisor, dividend and remainder.


Question: What does the stars of US flag mean?
Answer: The 50 states

Question: When is thanksgiving day is celebrated in the USA?
Answer: The forth Thursday of November

Question: Name a British book?
Answer: Drakula

Question: Name an American Book?
Answer: Little Women

Question: Who were fighting during the civil war in the US?
Answer: The north and the south



How far away is the sun?

Answer: The sun is 93 million miles away from the earth.

Question: How many planets do we have?
Answer: 9

Question: Mention the 3rd planet of the solar system?
Answer: The earth

Question: Metion the 4 seasons of the year?
Answer: Summer, winter, fall and spring.


Part of the outer space which has the following colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet.

Answer: A rainbow