
Life Science: Interdependence


Question: What are 3 models that can demonstrate energy transfer?
Answer: Food Chain
Energy Pyramid
Food Web

Question: Describe both biotic and abiotic factors and how they rely on each other.

Question: Which model would be best to demonstrate interdependence in the ocean?
Answer: Food web

Question: Think about the diversity (or lack of diversity) in the tundra and desert. What conclusions can you draw about climate and plant growth?
Answer: Extreme temps will limit plant growth.
The amount of sunlight (too little or too much) can also impact plant growth.

Question: What will happen in an ecosystem if you eliminate the tertiary consumers (refer to population)?
Answer: Increase in primary/secondary consumers... possible decrease in producers.


Question: What are the 4 spheres?

Question: What does an extreme limit of water represent?
What sphere would this impact most?

Answer: drought

Question: What are ways humans impact the environment negatively?
Answer: Answers may vary: deforestation, drought, wildfires, development

Question: What are some factors that could cause the fluctuation of deer populations? 

Question: Name 3 ways humans impact the environment.

Organisms in Ecosystems

Question: In an ecosystem, something that makes its own food would be defined as a _______________ ?
Answer: producer

Question: Explain how an animal can be considered both a primary and secondary consumer.
Answer: Must eat both plants and animals... omnivore!

Question: How do decomposers get energy?
Answer: Decomposers get energy by feeding on decaying organisms and wastes. Mushroom and other fungi are decomposers.

Question: What are the 3 types of consumers (not primary and secondary - think about what the eat)?
Answer: herbivores

Question: How would owls, hawks, and snakes be classified?
Answer: carnivores


Question: What does a plant need to survive?
Answer: air, water, shelter, food, sunlight

Question: True or False:
Only plants can store energy.

Answer: False: animals can store energy too!

Question: Why is there LESS plant life the DEEPER you dive down into the ocean?
Answer: Less sunlight

Question: What plant structure is important for photosynthesis?
Answer: leaves

Question: Why do plants on the rain forest floor have large leaves?
Answer: Because of competition for sunlight... the larger the leaf, the more sunlight it can collect!


Question: Define interdependence.
Answer: Relationship between 2 or more things in an ecosystem.

Question: Define photosynthesis.
Answer: Process where plants use sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide to make food.

Question: Distinguish between predator and prey.
Answer: predator hunts
prey is lunch

Question: Distinguish between the words typical and atypical... be specific about the prefix.
Answer: Atypical = not normal

Question: List 5 of the 7 qualities of a "Whole Body Listener"  - LOL
Answer: eyes looks
shoulders facing
mouth quiet
hands & feet still
brain thinking