
GP Day 2019

Language Arts

Question: What does posterity mean?
Answer: For people in the future.

Question: What is an adverb?
Answer: It is a word that describes actions and almost always ends in -ly.

Question: What does the adding suffix - OUS do to a word?
Answer: It changes it into an adjective.

Question: What does posterity mean?
Answer: People in the future.

Question: Name 3 singular subject pronouns.
Answer: I, you, he she, it.

The United States

Question: This state is the northernmost of all in the US.
Answer: Alaska

Question: The region of the United States was the first to be developed by the Europeans and includes several of the first US colonies.
Answer: What is the Northeast

Question: This mountain ridge in Western North America separates the flow of water on the continent.
Answer: What is the Continental Divide.

Question: This state is known as the First State
Answer: What is Delaware.

Question: Second to the Mississippi River, the river was essential to Lewis and Clark's exploration.
Answer: What is the Missouri River.

Social Studies

Question: Name the 5 different regions of the United States.
Answer: The Northeast, the Southeast, the Midwest, the Southwest, and the West.

Question: What are the 3 branches of government?
Answer: Executive, Legislative, Judicial

Question: What month and year did the Lewis and Clark Corps of Discovery return home?
Answer: September 1806

Question: What were the two main causes of the Civil War?
Answer: Slavery and a State's Rights and control over the Federal Government.

Question: This is the only US state that grows coffee.
Answer: Hawaii


Question: What does PEMDAS mean?
Answer: Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication, Division, Addition, Subtractions - or the Order of Operations.

Question: Reduce 27/72 to its simplest form.
Answer: What is 3/8.

Question: What is a nine sided polygon called?
Answer: Nonagon

Question: Name 3 types of angles.
Answer: Acute, obtuse, and straight.

Question: If a diameter is 75 inches, what is the radius?
Answer: 37.5


Question: What is the boiling point temperature for water?
Answer: 212 degrees Fahrenheit.

Question: Name the three types of teeth.
Answer: Incisors, cuspids, and molars

Question: How many teeth do adults have?
Answer: 32

Question: How many bones are there in the adult human body?
Answer: 206 bones.

Question: This process converts sunlight into energy.
Answer: What is photosynthesis.