
chapter 14

Industry in the north

Question: Samuel F. B. Morse recived a patent for a "talking wire" or blank in 1844
Answer: what is telegraph

Question: What did an english family make in 1829
Answer: what is locomotive

Question: in 1845 an american named john griffiths made this
Answer: what is clipper ships

Question: what was water power replaced by
Answer: what is steam power

Question: where trains were concentrated
Answer: what is new york

life in the north

Question: what is a severe food shortage
Answer: What is famine

Question: what is it called when workers refuse to do their jobs
Answer: what is strike

Question: in 1820's and 1830's what did artisans come together to form
Answer: what is trade unions

Question: a skilled worker or a
Answer: what is artisan

Question: a group that preserve the country for native born white citizens
Answer: what is nativist

cotton kingdom in the south

Question: what was used to seperat the seeds from cotton
Answer: what is cotton gin

Question: what was a band of plantations called
Answer: what is cotton kingdom

Question: south's cash crop
Answer: what is cotton

Question: some of the crops planted in the south
Answer: what is rice, sugar cane , and tabacco

Question: in addition to led planter what else did the south led in
Answer: what is livestock production

life in the south

Question: family's with 50 or more slaves
Answer: what is cotton crazy

Question: a law to keep slaves from running away or rebelling
Answer: what is slave codes

Question: when the slaves family stayed together
Answer: what is extended family

Question: how much of the south's population
Answer: what is 1/3

Question: who planed a revolt in 1822
Answer: what is Denmark vesey


Question: a party that was kept secret
Answer: what is know- nothing party

Question: police that denies equal rights to certain groups of people
Answer: what is discrimination

Question: what was the livestock the south had
Answer: what is hogs , oxen , horses , mules , and beef cattle

Question: what percent of nations mules were raised in the south
Answer: what is 90%

Question: what percent of nations hogs were raised in the south
Answer: what is 60%