
Chapter 14

Industry in the North

Question: Who invented the first stove.
Answer: Susan Blunt

Question: What was the first stove made of.
Answer: Cast iron

Question: Who patented the sewing machine
Answer: Elias Howe

Question: Who invented the iron plow with replaceable parts
Answer: Jethro Wood

Question: What did the telegraph write
Answer: Morse Code

Life in the South

Question: What was it called when you refuse to do your job
Answer: strike

Question: What is a shortage of food
Answer: Famine

Question: What is a meeting called if it was a secret
Answer: Know nothing party

Question: What denies the same rights
Answer: Discrimination

Question: 1 million of what blood line came to america in 1848-1860
Answer: Germans

Cotton Kingdom in the South

Question: What place needed more cotton
Answer: Britain

Question: What did the cotton engine split
Answer: Seeds from fibers

Question: Over 90% of what animal was raised in the South
Answer: Mules

Question: What is one major city of the south
Answer: New Orleans, Louisiana, Charleston,South Carolina, Richmond, and Virginia

Question: What were most Southerns proud of
Answer: Cotton industry

Life in the South

Question: What were rich people called in the South
Answer: Cottonocracy

Question: What was the percentage of people that farmed in the South
Answer: 75%

Question: How many free blacks lived in the south
Answer: 200,000

Question: How many blacks were in the North in the us
Answer: 1/3 of 200,000

Question: What kept slaves from runing or rebelling
Answer: Slav codes


Question: Where did most black people come from
Answer: Africa

Question: latter what president helped free slaves
Answer: Abraham Lincoln

Question: How many white people were in the south
Answer: 2/3 of 200,000

Question: Where was slavery less seen
Answer: The North

Question: _____ were not provied with munch food and water
Answer: slaves