
Chapter 14: North and South

Industry in the North

Question: This invention was known as a 'talking wire'
Answer: What is the telegraph?

Question: The first one of these launched was called the Rainbow.
Answer: What is a clipper ship?

Question: The manufacture of an iron plow with replaceable parts was began by this person.
Answer: Who is Jethro Wood?

Question: This person invented a lightweight steel plow.
Answer: Who is John Deere?

Question: This first of this was powered by an engine called the Rocket.
Answer: What is a locomotive?

Life in the North

Question: Before factories these people made their own goods.
Answer: What are artisans?

Question: Artisans united to create this in order to get changes in their work.
Answer: What is a trade union?

Question: Workers did this to force changes in the factories.
Answer: What is a strike?

Question: This situation killed thousands in Ireland and Germany.
Answer: What is a famine?

Question: This party was anti-Catholic and anti-immigrant.
Answer: What is the Know-Nothing Party?

Cotton Kingdom in the South

Question: Eli Whiteny invented this to clean cotton.
Answer: What is the cotton gin?

Question: This was the name given to the area from South Carolina to Texas that was filled with cotton.
Answer: What is the Cotton Kingdom?

Question: Crops sold for money were called this.
Answer: What are cash crops?

Question: This was the biggest industry in the South.
Answer: Cotton/Cotton Growing

Question: This was a successful business in Richmond, Virginia that sold tools, cannons, and railroad equipment.
Answer: What is the Tredgar Iron Works?

Life in the South

Question: This was the name given to the wealthy people who owned 50 or more slaves.
Answer: What is the cottoncracy?

Question: This set of rules made slaves not be able to own guns, gather in more than three, or leave the owner's land without permission.
Answer: What are the slave codes?

Question: 1/3 of the South's population was made up of this kind of person.
Answer: What is an enslaved African American?

Question: The large slave families that managed to stay together were referred to as this.
Answer: What is an extended family?

Question: This is what gave enslaved African Americans hope.
Answer: What is religion?


Question: This person launched the first clipper ship.
Answer: Who is John Griffiths?

Question: This greatly assisted sea trade by making travel faster.
Answer: What are clipper ships?

Question: In the 1830's, this kind of power began to replace water power.
Answer: What is steam power?

Question: The Lowell Female Labor Reform Association was organized by this person.
Answer: Who is Sarah Bagley?

Question: In 1850, about 165,000 of this kind of person immigrated to the US.
Answer: Who are the Irish?