
Chapter 14

Industry in the North

Question: Elias Howe made the?
Answer: Sewing machine

Question: Samuel F.B Moore received a patent for a?
Answer: telagraph

Question: In 1829, an English family developed a steam-powered what?
Answer: locamative engine

Question: In 1845, John Griffiths launched the Rainbow, the first of the?
Answer: clipper ships

Question: In 1830, factories began to use steam power instead of what?
Answer: water power

Life in the North

Question: Skilled workers were called?
Answer: artisans

Question: In the 1820s and 1830s artisans in each trade united to form the?
Answer: Trade Unions

Question: In the 1840s, Sarah Bagley organized the?
Answer: Lowell Female Reform Association

Question: In the 1840s what crop was destroyed?
Answer: potato

Question: Who wanted to preserve the country for native born, white citizens?
Answer: nativists

Cotton Kingdom in the South

Question: What increased the demand for southern cotton
Answer: Industrial Revolution

Question: What had an enormous effect on the southern economy
Answer: gin

Question: What was the Souths most profitable cash crop?
Answer: cotton

Question: The industry in the south remained of what and existed only to meet the needs of a farming society?
Answer: small

Question: Fewer than how many percent of white southerners lived in towns of more than 4000 people?
Answer: 8 %

Life in the South

Question: Wealthy family's who made huge amount of money from cotton were called?
Answer: cottonocracy

Question: About what percent of southern whites were small farmers?
Answer: 75%

Question: Both free and slaved Africans lived where?
Answer: South

Question: Enslaved African Americans made up of what percent of the south population?
Answer: 1/3

Question: Southern States passed laws known as what to keep slaves from either running away or rebelling
Answer: slave codes


Question: John Deere, Jethro Wood, Cyrus McCormick had an impact in?
Answer: Farm industry

Question: Free African Americans in the North faced what?
Answer: discrimination

Question: The South depended on the what?
Answer: North

Question: African Americans whose roots were in Africa were called what?
Answer: extended family

Question: Many enslaved African Americans were what kind of religion?
Answer: Christians