
2019 Spring Galileo E.L.A. Review

Spell Me Correctly, Please!

Question: The student was _______ (teacher will say) the Internet for information.
Answer: browsing

Question: immigrate or imigrate? 
Answer: immigrate (come in)

Question: emmigrate or emigrate?
Answer: emigrate (to leave)

Question: regrettable or regretable?
Answer: regrettable (double the "t" on the word regret once add suffix, "able")

Question: nominee-correct spelling?
Answer: yes (sound out example-plumij-plummage)

Convention Center

Question: Tonya and I went to the Chile and Chocolate Festival in November in Phoenix.  Is the subject, Tonya and I, written correctly?
Answer: yes

Question: Many years ago, my dad took me and my brother bike riding.  Is this sentence written correctly?  If not, what is wrong with it?
Answer: Correct

Question: My mom said, "look over there!"  Is this sentence written correctly?  If not, what needs to be corrected?
Answer: No, the "l" in the word look needs to be capitalized in the dialogue/quotes.

Question: He headed South and then West to go back to his camp.  Is this sentence written correctly?  If not, what is/are the mistake(s)?
Answer: No, the words/directions south and west should not have capital letters at the beginning.

Question: Dancing With The Stars-Does this title include proper capitalization?  If not, what is incorrect?
Answer: No, the words with and the (small words) should not be capitalized at the beginning.

Definitions Galore

Question: Define the word retaliate.
Answer: to strike back at (or something similar)

Question: Define the word tantalize.
Answer: intrigue/fascinate (or something similar; answers will vary)

Question: Are guile and cunning synonyms?
Answer: yes (they mean tricky)

Question: Can the word hailed mean to call out to someone?
Answer: Yes

Question: True or false?  The multiple meaning word (like hailed) bound can mean "going somewhere."
Answer: True

Figuratively or Connotatively Speaking

Question: Give me an example of alliteration.
Answer: answers will vary

Question: Give an example of personification and define it.
Answer: answers will vary

Question: Which word has a stronger connotation, "exhausted" or "tired?"
Answer: exhausted

Question: Which word has a negative connotation?  cheap or inexpensive
Answer: cheap

Question: Pow!  Bang!  Kaboom!  These are all examples of what type of figurative language (don't worry, you don't have to spell it, but you can try!)?
Answer: onomatopoeia


Question: If a club is all gender inclusive, what does that mean?
Answer: It means that both genders can join (like coed).

Question: What are two ways to combine two complete thoughts without risking grammar jail due to a run-on sentence violation? (two subjects and predicates are "smooshed" together, illegally!!!!)
Answer: join w/a semi-colon (;) or add a conjunction (fanboys) with a comma prior to it

Question: What does it mean to be fluent in another language, such as Spanish, French, or Greek?
Answer: It means a person can speak and/or write (depending on specific wording) in that language and "function" using it.

Question: What is the part of speech of "German" in the phrase, "German food?"
Answer: a proper adjective

Question: Does this quote include proper punctuation?

"When are we going to go to recess," the eighth grade class asked.  If not, what is incorrect?

Answer: No, there should be a question mark instead of a comma (it overrides a comma).