
chapter 14

Industry in the North

Question: What were signals of dots,dashes, and spaces used on the telegraph?
Answer: Morse Code

Question: Who improved on the idea of an iron plow with a lightweight steel plow?
Answer: John Deere

Question: What did Elias Howe patent?

Answer: sewing machine

Question: A locomotive is powered by this.
Answer: steam

Question: What was the first clipper ship?
Answer: Rainbow

Life in the North

Question: Workers refuse to do their jobs in a _______.
Answer: strike

Question: What is an artisan?
Answer: skilled worker

Question: What did the Know-Nothing Party answer when asked about the party?
Answer: "I know nothing."

Question: Who organized the Lowell Female Labor Reform Association?
Answer: Sarah Bagley

Question: Who was one of the editors for the first African American newspaper?
Answer: John Russwurm

Cotton Kingdom in the South

Question: What was the south's most profitable cash crop?
Answer: cotton

Question: The south lagged behind the north at ________.
Answer: manfucturing

Question: Who invented the cotton gin?
Answer: Eli Whitney

Question: Who built houses and gardens for his workers and schools for their kids?
Answer: William Gregg

Question: What part of the south was known as the Cotton Kingdom?
Answer: South Carolina through Alabama and Mississippi to Texas

Life in the South

Question: A group that includes grandparents, parents, children, aunts, and uncles is called an _____________?
Answer: extended family

Question: What did Nat Turner lead?
Answer: major revolt

Question: What were slave codes?
Answer: Laws that controlled lives of enslaved African Americans

Question: Who invented the machine that revolutionized the way sugar was refined?
Answer: Norbert Rillieux

Question: Who planned a revolt, but was killed before it started?
Answer: Denmark Vesey


Question: What percent of people in Southern society owned 5 or more slaves in 1860?
Answer: 8%

Question: What percent of people owned 1-4 slaves in 1860?
Answer: 8%

Question: What percent of people owned no slaves in 1860?
Answer: 50%

Question: What percent of slaves were African Americans?
Answer: 32%

Question: What percent of African Americans were free?
Answer: 2%