
Chapter 14

Industry in the North

Question: Who was the inventor of the telegraph?
Answer: Samuel F. B. Morse

Question: What was the name of the system of dots and dashes used for the telegraph?
Answer: Morse code

Question: What was the name of the first locomotive?
Answer: The Rocket

Question: What was the name for the chipper ship?
Answer: The Rainbow

Question: What did Cyrus McCormick's factory in Chicago produce?
Answer: Mechanical Reapers

Life in the North

Question: What was the name of the workers who were proud with the goods they made?
Answer: Artisans

Question: What was it called when union workers refuse to work?
Answer: A Strike

Question: What word is used during a severe food shortage?
Answer: Famine

Question: What was it called when meetings took place in secret and people who went to the meeting was asked about it said I Know Nothing.
Answer: The Know-Nothing Party

Question: What is it called when a policy denies equal rights to certain groups of people?
Answer: Discrimination

Cotton Kingdom in the South

Question: What was the South's most profitable crop?
Answer: Cotton

Question: Who made the Cotton Gin?
Answer: Eli Whitney

Question: Because of its lacking amount of industry's, who did the South depend on?
Answer: The North and Europe

Question: What was the South's other major crop's?
Answer: Rice, Sugar cane, and Tobacco

Question: What helped reduce the need for Southern industry's?
Answer: Slavery

Life in the South

Question: Where did many escaped African Americans tried to escape to?
Answer: The North

Question: What were the laws called that kept slaves from running away or rebelling?
Answer: Slave code

Question: What were family's called when they got rich off of cotton?
Answer: Cottonocracy

Question: By the 1800s, what were enslaved African Americans devoted to?
Answer: Christianity

Question: Who led the major revolt in 1831 in Southampton County, Virginia?
Answer: Nat Turner


Question: In 1825, what did Jethro Wood manufcature?
Answer: A iron plow with replaceable parts

Question: What helped improve the idea of lightweight iron plows?
Answer: John Deer

Question: How many tracks were laid down for the first railroads?
Answer: one

Question: Who was the leader of a revolt in 1822 but was killed before the revolt started?
Answer: Denmark Vesey

Question: Who was the person that made the first chipper ship, The Rainbow?
Answer: John Griffiths