
Absolutism and Enlightenment


Question: He was considered the Shah of Shahs
Answer: Akbar the Great

Question: L'etat c'est moi reflects the beliefs of this absolute monarch.
Answer: Louis XIV

Question: Including absolute political sovereignty, these two characteristics help describe the concept of Absolutism
Answer: Divine right to rule and a lack of checks and balances.

Question: Louis XIV exercised his power of justice and the law with this policy
Answer: Lettre de Cachet

Question: Louis XIV used his palace of Versailles to accomplish this aspect of his absolute rule
Answer: Take power away from and control the nobility and princes/contr

Enlightenment Thinkers

Question: This philosopher focused on the role of economics. He published, The Wealth of Nations in 1776, where he argued that self-interest guides the most efficient use of resources. It established the study of economics as a separate and important topic.
Answer: Adam Smith

Question: These two Enlightenment thinkers desired the division of government in to several branches.
Answer: Baron Montesquieu and Simon Bolivar.

Question: Raised on a hacienda, this Enlightenment thinker worked to improve the economic conditions of his parishoners and was concerned about people of mixed race in Mexico. He hoped to free Mexico from Spanish rule.
Answer: Father Hidalgo

Question: These five aspects of life were followed by French philosophers and help describe the basic concepts of the Enlightenment.
Answer: Reason, Nature, Happiness, Progress and Liberty

Question: According to John Locke in his work, Two Treatises on Government, he believed there are only two reasons that one may lawfully do to harm another.
Answer: Reparation and Restraint

Art History

Question: This French artist created the large standing portait of Louis XIV
Answer: Hyancinthe Rigaud.

Question: He is the quintessential Spanish Baroque artist of the 17th century, creating masterpieces such as, "Las Meninas"
Answer: Diego Velasquez

Question: This style of art emerged in the homes of aristocrats after the death of Louis XIV.
Answer: Rococo

Question: Art historians often describe the Rococo style having a "Sensual playfulness" and are seen with these types of color.
Answer: Light, Delicate, Pastel

Question: This artist sculpted "George Washington" to honor the first president after he passed.
Answer: Horatio/Horace Greenough

Locke v. Hobbes

Question: Nasty, Brutish, Selfish...These words help describe this philosophers belief in human nature.
Answer: Hobbes

Question: Much of Hobbes life was shaped by this tragic war in England.

Answer: The English Civil War

Question: This philosopher beliefs are strongly associated with democratic style of government
Answer: Locke

Question: "Religion should be separate from the state" was a primary belief of this philosopher.
Answer: Hobbes

Question: The end of law according Locke is to protect and do this to our liberty
Answer: Expand

Enlightened Monarchs

Question: Although he believed in the absolute power of the monarchy, this Enlightened Monarch created a proportional tax system for his people.
Answer: Frederick II

Question: The statement, "All human beings are born free and equal with a right to life and liberty. It is the duty of government to protect these natural rights of its citizens." reflects the beliefs of this era of World History
Answer: The Enlightenment

Question: Unlike his religiously tolerant Prussian counterpart in the 18th century, Louis XIV revoked this Edict that ended religious toleration for Huguenots and Jansenists.
Answer: Edict of Nantes.

Question: This ruler succeeded Peter the Great and brought about Russia's Golden Age.
Answer: Catherine the Great

Question: Thomas Hobbes and Catherine the Great were similar in the sense that they valued this
Answer: Absolute Power/Government