
ch11 ha dan chekal


Question: Who was born in Ur in about 2000 B.C.E.
Answer: Who is Abraham

Question: What is Canaan
Answer: What is the jewish promise land

Question: Who is Abram
Answer: What is Abraham original name

Question: Who was Abraham's son
Answer: Who was Isaac

Question: Who is the father of monotheism
Answer: who is Abraham


Question: Who was born Eygpt in 1250 B.C.E.
Answer: Who is Moses

Question: What did pharoh make the Hebrews
Answer: What are slaves

Question: What are the punishment G-d sent to the Eygptians
Answer: What are the 10 terrible plagues

Question: What are the stone tablet that have ten laws and G-d gave Abraham
Answer: What are the ten Commandment

Question: What is the escape of Hebrews from Eygptian slavery
Answer: What is the Exodus


Question: When did David live
Answer: What is 1000 B.C.E.

Question: What two nations did David combined
Answer: He Combined Judah and Israel

Question: Who was Goliath
Answer: Who was the giant philistine warrior that David defeated

Question: What was the name of the nation the David created when he combined Judah and Israel
Answer: What is the Kingdom of Israel

Question: What was the capital of the Kingdom of Israel
Answer: What is Jerusalem


Question: Who was Solomon's dad
Answer: Who was David

Question: What did Solomon make
Answer: What is a Temple

Question: Where did Solomon make a temple
Answer: Where is Jerusalem

Question: How long did it take to build the temple
Answer: What is seven years

Question: How did Solomon get all the supplies for the temple
Answer: What is He taxed the people


Question: Who was Abraham's son
Answer: Who was Isaac

Question: Who was David's son
Answer: Who was Solomon

Question: Who was Moses' "step father"
Answer: Who was Seti

Question: Who was Moses' "step brother"
Answer: Who was Ramses

Question: Who was Moses actual family
Answer: Who was Hebrew slaves