
Chapter 14

Industry in the North

Question: Who recieved a patent for a "talking wire" or telegraph in 1844?
Answer: Samuel F. B Morse

Question: Who improved the plow by making it out of lightweight steel?
Answer: John Deere

Question: What did Elias Howe make in 1846?
Answer: A sewing machine

Question: In 1829, an English family developed a locomotive powered by what?
Answer: Steam

Question: In 1845, John Griffiths launched "Rainbow," the first of what type of ship?
Answer: Clipper ship

Life in the North

Question: What was it called when workers refused to do their jobs?
Answer: A strike

Question: When people have little or no food for a year because of dry weather, it is known as _________
Answer: Famine

Question: _________ is a policy or an attitude that denies equal rights to a certain group of people
Answer: Discrimination

Question: _______ ________ were formed in 1820-1830's
Answer: Trade Unions

Question: A party held by a group of anti-catholic and anti-immigrants
Answer: Know-nothing party

Cotton Kingdom in the South

Question: How many days did it take Eli Whitney to make a model of a cotton gin?
Answer: 10

Question: When Eli Whitney invented the cotton gin, he was going to a plantation to be a what?
Answer: Tutor

Question: What was the south's most profitable cash crop?
Answer: Cotton

Question: In the 1850's, what began to spread along with the Cotton Kingdom?
Answer: Slavery

Question: Kentucky developed a rural economy that included the breeding of what?
Answer: Horses

Life in the South

Question: Who led a major slave revolt in 1831?
Answer: Nat Turner

Question: To keep slaves from running away or rebelling, the South passed laws called _____ _____
Answer: Slave Codes

Question: A planter was someone who owned 20 whats?
Answer: Slaves

Question: Free African Americans were not allowed to do what 2 things?
Answer: Vote and travel

Question: Most free African Americans were descendants of slaves freed during what?
Answer: American Revolution


Question: In the 1840's, what crop in Ireland was killed by disease?
Answer: Potato

Question: Slave codes made it a crime for African Americans to do what two things?
Answer: Read and write

Question: One group of Americans who wanted to preserve the country for native born Americans
Answer: Nativists

Question: By 1860, African Americans made up what fraction of the South?
Answer: 1/3

Question: By the 1850's, the major railroad lines were concentrated in the _____ and ____.
Answer: North and West