
Chapter 11 ss quiz


Question: How was Abraham different from most people of his time?

(A) He was immortal
(B) He belived in only one G_D (Monotheuism)
(C) All of the Above
Answer: (B) He belived in only one G_D (Monotheuism)

Question: Around what time did Abraham move to Canaan?

(A)Around 1950
(B)1099 B.C.E.
(C)Around 1950 B.C.E.
Answer: (C)Around 1950 B.C.E.

Question: True or False?

Abraham was tested by G_d by Sacrificing his son. But god sent an Angel to stop him before he did this
Answer: True

Question: True or False?

Abraham only started ONE religion
Answer: Flase

Question: True or Flase?

Abraham was always Abraham
Answer: Flase, Abraham was originly Abram


Question: Who Enslaved the Hebrews?
Answer: (B)Eygpt

Question: What happend to the Hebrews after leaving Eygpt?
(A)They Wanderd the willderness for 40 years
(B)They went to a big feast that lasted 40 years
(C)They were quickly retured to Eygpt
Answer: (A)They Wanderd the willderness for 40 years

Question: What word would go in the blank?

Moses lead the ______ from Eygpt.
Answer: (A)Exodus, More exact then escape.

Question: What did Moses recive on Mount Sinai?
(A)The ten commandments
(B)The thirteen commandments
(C)A staff
Answer: (A)The ten commandments

Question: True or False?

G_d Punished the Hebrews and was very angry with them.
Answer: False

King David and King solomon

Question: Who Founded the city of Jerusalem
(A) King David
(B) King Soloman
(C) Both
Answer: (A) King David

Question: King Soloman built...
(A) A grand palace
(B) A monument
(C) The Great Temple

Answer: (C) The Great Temple

Question: Jerusalem was a _______ city
Answer: (A)Holy

Question: True or False?

King David battled the giant Goliath with nothing.

Answer: False, it was a sling shot that was used in battle.

Question: True or False?

King Soloman is the father of King David
Answer: False, Its the other way around.

The Torah

Question: The Torah contains the first _____ books of the hebrew Bible
(A) 6
(B) 7
(C) 5
Answer: (C) 5

Question: True or False?

The Torah helps historians understand the Hebrews history
Answer: True

Question: The Torah is the _____ of the Jewish people
(A) History
(B) Story
(C) Events
Answer: (A) History

Question: True or False?

The Torah Doesn't talk about the Hebrew leaders

Answer: False

Question: True or False?

The word Torah translates to "God's Teaching"

Answer: True

The Early History Of The Hebrews

Question: Why did the Abraham's clan move to Canaan?
(A) Famine
(B) War
(C) Slavery
Answer: (A) Famine

Question: After the Hebrews fled from _____, they wandered the wilderness for 40 years.
(A) Ur
(B) Eygpt
(C) Canaan
Answer: (B) Eygpt

Question: True or False?

The Pharoh of Eygpt freed the Hebrews only after his son was dead
Answer: True

Question: The ____ day of the week was used for worship and rest

(A) First
(B) Last
(C) Fourth
Answer: (B) Last

Question: Mount Sinai is also the _____

(A) Mountain of G-d
(B) Mountain of Moses
(C) Mountain Of Abraham
Answer: (A) Mountain of G-d