
Chapter 14

Industry in the North

Question: He opened a factory in Chicago in 1847 that produced mechanical reapers.
Answer: Cyrus McCormick

Question: In 1847, he received a patent for the telegraph.
Answer: Samuel F. B. Morse

Question: He patented the sewing machine in 1846.
Answer: Elias Howe

Question: In 1825, began manufacturing of an iron plow with replaceable parts.
Answer: Jethro Wood

Question: In the 1830s, this replaced water as the power source in machines for manufacturing
Answer: steam

Life in the North

Question: The policy or attitude that denies equal rights to certain groups of people.
Answer: discrimination

Question: Severe food shortage
Answer: famine

Question: Labor organizer, who in 1844 helped organize the Lowell Female Labor Reform Association
Answer: Sarah Bagley

Question: Association of trade workers formed to gain higher wages and better working conditions
Answer: trade unions

Question: Anti-Catholic, anti-immigrant political party from the 1850s.
Answer: Know-Nothing Party

Cotton Kingdom in the South

Question: Connecticut school teacher who invented the cotton gin.
Answer: Eli Whitney

Question: Cotton plantations that extended across a broad band of the South from South Carolina to Texas
Answer: cotton kingdom

Question: They were used to harvest cotton in the South.
Answer: slaves

Question: After this war, cotton farmers began to move West.
Answer: The War of 1812

Question: The South's economy was based on this
Answer: agriculture

Life in the South

Question: Name of wealthy planters who made their money from cotton in the mid-1800s
Answer: cottonocracy

Question: Laws that kept slaves from running away or rebelling
Answer: slave codes

Question: Led slave revolt in 1831 that killed 57 whites and increased fears about slave uprisings.
Answer: Nat Turner

Question: Planned a failed slave revolt in 1822 and was executed
Answer: Denmark Vessey

Question: Invented machine that safely refined sugar under low air pressure.
Answer: Norbert Rilleux


Question: refusal of workers to do their jobs until their demands are met
Answer: strike

Question: Modeled his cotton mill in South Carolina from a mill in Lowell, Massachusetts
Answer: William Greg

Question: native born, white citizens
Answer: nativists

Question: The cotton gin removed these from the fibers
Answer: seeds

Question: The first locomotive built in the United States by Peter Cooper traveled 18 mph carrying 42 passengers was named.
Answer: Tom Thumb