
Water Cycle

Question: What is the the process by which liquid becomes gas?
Answer: Evaporation

Question: What is the pushing force of air called?
Answer: Air pressure

Question: Where does water move back and forth from on the Earth?
Answer: From its surface to its atmosphere and back

Question: What happens to evaporation when the temperature goes up?
Answer: Evaporation speeds up


Question: What is the process by which gas becomes liquid?
Answer: condensation

Question: What is moving air called?
Answer: Wind

Question: What two things are clouds made of?
Answer: Droplets of water and ice crystals

Question: Name gases in the atmosphere other than nitrogen.
Answer: Oxygen, carbon dioxide, water vapor


Question: What is liquid water called when it falls from the sky?
Answer: Precipitation

Question: What is the water cycle powered by?
Answer: The Sun

Question: What is the Earth's atmosphere made mostly of?
Answer: Nitrogen

Question: Explain why water is always being recycled.

Answer: Reasonable explanations will be accepted.


Question: What are the four types of precipitation?
Answer: Rain, snow, sleet, and hail

Question: What is the blanket of air that surrounds the Earth called?
Answer: Atmosphere

Question: Which way does a land breeze blow?
Answer: From the land to the sea

Question: Explain the water cycle in your own words.
Answer: Reasonable explanations will be accepted.


Question: What is formed in the sky during condensation?
Answer: Clouds

Question: How is the atmosphere kept close to the Earth?
Answer: Gravity

Question: Which way does a sea breeze blow?
Answer: From the sea to the land

Question: Name the three steps of the water cycle we discussed.
Answer: Evaporation, condensation, precipitation.
